
Monday, October 03, 2011

My 2 cents worth on the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki

All I've been hearing lately about is this awlaki dude - whether the Obamessiah did a righteous thing or did he murder an American citizen without due process blah blah blah.
He may have been an American citizen at one time, but his citizenship was renounced/revoked when he took up arms against the US and when he became a leader in an organization hostile to the US. Straight up fact.
So when he was killed, he was just another enemy combatant.
I'm sidin' with the black dude on this one.


  1. I hate ALL muslim radical fucknozzles just as much as I hate anything anti-American. This guy was a top level douchebag. NO DOUBT. BUT and this is a BIG but...
    Our nation gives out citizenship to anyone, we don't hold them to the vow. We have become NOTHING more than a third world nation because of it. We let these bastards come in and hold on to their birth nation while pissing on our culture and bending over backwards not to offend them. FUCK EM.

    Since that's the way we do things, this goat fucker ala wacky had rights. HE had more rights than the POS's in GITMO who Obama (THHO) wants to bring to trial in the USA and give them all the rights we have. WHAT?... so if this is the way we do things now, shouldn't we just be able to into GITMO and kill every last one of them muzzie fucks?... I say yes.

  2. I would agree with you, but who decides which side he is on? The next Anarchist Militia member that plots against the government. Is he deemed no longer a citizen and snuffed out going to pick up milk by the .gov?

    Equal justice for all. If he died in combat, that's another story, but this was a straight up targeted assassination from my understanding.

  3. Good points, both of you.
    Thanks for not calling me a fuckhead.

  4. Fuck Head...

    Feel better now?? :)

    OK, my .02 on it, the son of a bitch is D E A D dead and I hope it fucking hurt, a lot...


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