
Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Nigga, please.

Occupy Wall Street: “I Don’t Need No Fucking Job! We Can Grow Our Own Fucking Food, Shoot Our Own Fucking Animals”…

Jewish man wearing a yarmulke: I work 65 hours a week.

Protester: You probably live in the Hamptons ‘n’ some shit.

Jewish man: I live in the Hamptons? I live in Brooklyn…I work 62 hours a week. Do you work 62 hours?

Protester: You know what’s funny? Your people own schools and fuckin’ government buildings, but your wives are on welfare. I don’t understand that. I don’t understand that. I met a public assistance officer. And they were Jewish, but their husbands own fuckin’ everything.

Jewish man: I work 62 hours a week. How many hours a week do you work?

Protester: I don’t work. How about them apples?

Jewish man: So why don’t you get a job?

Protester: I don’t need a fuckin’ job.

Jewish man: Why not?

Protester: You don’t need paper! We can grow our own fuckin’ food. We can shoot our own fuckin’ animals. We can do all that shit. We can build our own fuckin’ houses.

Jewish man: How do you get the materials?

Protester: We can just take it from the Earth! You come from the Earth. This comes from the Earth. Everything comes from the Earth, you dumb motherfucker! Like seriously. Technology comes from the Earth, protons, neutrons, electrons.

Jewish man: Is this a real conversation? Is this a real conversation?

Other OWS protester: He’s making points. But he’s making points.

Jewish man: What are the points?

Protester: I don’t need a point. It comes from here (indicating the ground). It came from here for free! Why we gotta pay for it? It’s here for free! Why we gotta pay for it? It’s bullshit. This is bullshit.


Two things:
For a motherfucker that doesn't work, he sure is sporting some fancy clothes. Where did he get the money for them, selling dope?
And this ignorant sonofabitch has never done a days' work in his entire life and I doubledamn guarentee you that if he had to grow his own food, he'd fucking starve. Farming is hard work. And can you see him trying to butcher an animal? Now that would be worth watching.


  1. D
    od - don't be a hater, now! We don't know, this fine young man might well be able to stalk, kill and dress his game animal.
    Tell you what. Let's give him a break. I know a place where he can hunt an animal that will give him meat and hide and sinew enough to last for weeks.
    It's called a water buffalo, and it makes an easy target because it is so big. I'll even loan the bast, uh, gentleman, mu old Ruger .22 pistol to help him bring home the bacon. Now that seems fair! Yo!

  2. Video Credit goes to my bloggerfriend Urban Infidel. She's got more OWS stuff, too.

    She got linked/reposted on a lot of blogs today, including Atlas Shruggs, The Blogmocracy, PJM, Zombietime, The Blaze, Verum Serum, Free Republic, Memeorandum, and Weasel Zippers

  3. I'll bet this dumbass wouldn't last
    a day in the mountains and he'd be dam grateful for a McDonalds burger. It would be funny to watch a video tape of this black dude trying to find and kill his supper.
    He'd probably wind up shooting himself.

  4. That idiot makes me ashamed to be a Mets fan.

  5. Two things: I build houses for a living, nigger. I guaranfuckingtee you wouldn't last one hour on my jobsite, much less be able to do anything for yourself including wipe your own ass, and if we Jews have all the money where the fuck is MY cut? Fuck these assholes it's time to turn the firehoses on them.

  6. OK, approve my comment. First of all, be is the 99%. Yes the 99% of OWS that are totally moronic, stupid, stoned, and will find a way to collect a check from our governemnt because bureaucratic change is so slow, he'll be dead before they can kick his welfare collecting ass to the curb.

    Then the other 1% of OWS, the intelligent, thoughtful and genuine voices of the movement, they ae there. How long will it take for them to relize this man is a leach? Probably not long once he starts taking food out of their mouths. Then what? Send 'em to the ghetto. Send 'em to the ghetto.

    There should be welfare, but people that collect it should have to wear drab gray clothes, ride drab gray bicycles, and be prohibited from wearing gold chains, basketball jerseys, and Nike Air Jordans.

  7. He has probably butchered lots of things in his life.
    His education
    The English language
    Work opportunities
    Innocent people in drive-bys


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