
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"..... because they are not soldiers"

What a piece of shit.
He wants to make sure they (diplomats) come home "because they are not soldiers."
FTA All The Way, right?

Thanks to Stu for sending in the link.


  1. You have to understand something about this video. It is a moonbat-libtard belief system. I learned it well as a cop.

    The well educated and elite left think that if all you can be is a cop or a soldier- and those occupations carry guns- then you must accept that you may have to die. They don't see this as you protecting them. Or as civil service. They can't imagine how stupid someone is that would choose a life of service over wealth. It does not compute.

    Like you are a loser. Really. I tasted that passive aggressive snobbery more than once. Fuck them and...

    Fuck Obama.

  2. I have never wished a bigger case of "lead" poisoning on anyone before this asshole. Hate is not a strong enough word to describe my contempt for this fucking piece of shit!

  3. CharlieDelta.....
    You is da man. You call him a fucking piece of shit,
    I call him a piece of fucking shit.
    Any way we look at it he's a fucking TURD!!!!!!!!!! That we can both agree on.

  4. Diplomats are appointees who have sucked Obama's dick to get the cushy gig.

    He knows you should never trash a blowjob artist. They just make you feel too good.

  5. The diplomats are part of the elites, the shooters are part of flyover country. To Obungler and his ilk, there are 2 kinds of people, the Intelligenisia and the unwashed masses. The same classes as in the former soviet union. The party members and the peons that have no rights, no education and no chance.

    If obungler gets 4 more years...that is what you will see here.


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