
Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Founding Fathers posts

A few days ago I started a series on our Founding Fathers and since then I've gotten a couple of emails asking questions about some of them.

I can't answer those questions. I am not schooled in the Constitution or law in any, way shape or form, not even home schooled. I'm in the process of doing that with the Constitution now and it looks like it's gonna be a l-o-n-g fucking process. Oh well, if I'm gonna talk shit I better be able to back my mouth up.
I really never gave the Constitution a lot of attention (more than most folks, less than others) before but events over the past 3 or 4 years have piqued (fancy word - sorry) my interest in our Nations' beginnings and the men that stepped off for Freedom. Sure, I took US Government and History in high school and I've read a little mostly in the form of overall period history, but I'm really surprised at what I didn't know.
Anyways, a few weeks ago I re-read a book called "The Rifleman" by John Brick that I had read as a kid, and Miss Lisa brought me home a copy of Gingrich's "To Try Men's Souls", both of them great books. Naturally after reading these I started researching some of the people mentioned in the books which got me deeper and deeper. Next thing I know, I'm reading about fuckers I never heard of.

But I came up with an idea for posts: As long as I'm reading this and learning that, why not post what I find and let you folks learn about them too? We can learn together, kind of like a singalong.
Obviously I can't post everything I read about any particular person but I try to find the most clear and concise article I can and post that for you.
I'll do them every few days, no set schedule or particular order, until I run out of them.
But one thing I've been finding out from Day 1 is that the image a lot of us have of them being wise men that magically thought this shit up and then signed off on it and then had a big party before they went and killed indians is just a load of shit.
I mean, I knew they were pretty diverse and had disagreements but man, those motherfuckers argued and bitched and whined and threw hissy fits just like any modern day politicians. They were so fucking democratic they couldn't get a damned thing done. Northern statesmen wanted this, Southern statesmen wanted that, the Central statesmen didn't want either and Virginia said Fuck all y'all, we ain't rollin' with none of you. It took them years to all get their shit together, draft the Constitution and then sign it off before they could have a big party and  go kill indians.
And their personal lives for the most part weren't all that different than the politicians of today. Some of 'em were downright scoundrels.

But there's one glaring difference between these men, our Founding Fathers, and the politicians of today.
The Fathers were men of insight, men with a vision. They came together because they wanted a government that was for the People instead of one that enslaved them - not because they wanted to further their own interests or advance a career. They wanted Liberty by God and they all sacrificed for it. It's up to us to keep it.


  1. Very admiral, WC. I am all for you.
    But, please, please, don't go down the Glen Beck road and try to tell us about the African-American founding fathers.
    I already stopped reading FG and WZ for similar crap.
    Soon I may be just talking to myself.

  2. Naw, all the commentary you'll get from me was in this post.

  3. Great post.

    Looking forward to hearing more.

    Bring it on!

  4. I am enjoying then. Please keep them coming.

  5. Kenny, now just think of the youth you sqandered on alcohol, pussy and weed. If you could have kept your nose(and dick)clean you could have made yourself a wise academian! I'm not brown-nozin ya, but I have noticed from time to time some pretty good insights into things you've written about and this piece is one of them. Guess you're turnin' into a wise ol'owl in your gentifrication. Who knows, one day we may end up roomates in the wheezin' geezer ward at the VA hospital and then we can spend our time philosiphizin' and such, have somebody smuggle in pint of Old Panther Piss once in awhile!

  6. I thought Beck's books were pretty good, can't remember him pandering too heavily to blacks. An Inconvenient Book and Arguing with Idiots were good, funny reads, regardless of what some may think of the guy.

    Also, The 5,000 Year Leap was extraordinary!

  7. I find it a lot easier to read Beck than it is to listen to him.

  8. If you haven't already availed yourself of it, 55 MEN The Story of the Constitution is a great read on the subject.

  9. Don't know if you've seen it, but I'm finding PJTV's series on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, "Freedom's Charter," really interesting as well. It's only available to members, though - $35/year or so if you've got a little to spare.


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