
Saturday, January 07, 2012

From the emails

why do you fuck up a good threeper site with jokes and pictures? stay on subject please.
mike iii

My snappy reply:
Just trying to maintain a good sense of humor, Brother. Looks you need to spend a lot more time on here. Life ain't all doom and gloom.

Seriously though, this was a humor site long before it was a Threeper/Political/Fuck Obama site - go back and check the archives and you'll see there were NO politics on here at all in the beginning. Nothing but jokes, pictures, thoughts and funny stories about my life.
It wasn't until we started getting shit rammed down our throats that I started getting vocal about my political views.


  1. Excellent retort.

  2. Wirecutter,

    And make sure you keep up doin' what you are doin' here.

    I think I can safely speak for the vast majority who drop in here do for a reason and that is we LIKE WHAT WE FIND HERE.

    Plus most of us agree with you!

    As you might say, FUCK obama!

  3. Never mind Che, he lives in his own world.

  4. Wirecutter, dude don't know doodlysquat 'bout your house or the folks that come by to shoot the shit...whippersnapper got his panties in a wad wantin to get wound up on the net. he'll go on to some nutshack and get on the fed watchlist...

  5. Your blog your rules, can't believe people get bent over that. Nice new header btw.

  6. And while your at it, would you please find a new decorator? Your house needs a facelift. And about CG? I think a poodle would work better with the new drapes I'm envisioning...

  7. Keep up the good work. I always figger your blog, your rules apply. Gettin' to be a bit of a legend out here.
    Don't outgrow your hat, though.

  8. Wirecutter,

    You are one classy guy, keep up the great work, fuck mike iii, Sopsey and his clowns need to mind their own back yard.

  9. Fuck Obama, amen. Just found you via Bill Nye's blog. Great stuff, piss on "mike iii".

  10. Don't think it was Sobstreet Mike, Bill. He has too much to do commanding his underlings to break windows.

  11. Wirecutter,

    "Don't think it was Sobstreet Mike, Bill. He has too much to do commanding his underlings to break windows."

    Laughed my ass off brother, it made my day!

    Gotta run, I still have way too much shit to shovel, I still need to muck out the pig pen, keep up the great work and thanks for the kind words on our meet up.

  12. All I have to say is that in spite of our current condition, and because of the ongoing war on our liberties I for one need an occasional break from my morbidly serious life.

    At such times I stroll over here, or to "Scumfuck Living in Babylon" for good laugh refresher.

    To Mr. Mike III all I would say is sir....Fuck Obama and more camel toe!

    Keep it up Wirecutter
    Not all Threepers are douche-nozzles.

  13. First an LAST time here so no need to answer this comment.I just woundering if you have ever considered professional help for your mental problem? All I have to say is try an relax. it is spelled (TED)

  14. Isn't it funny how people will take the time to read your site, then more time to comment on how much it pisses them off.

    All you have to do is hit the "X" on the tab above. I'd bet my paycheck (big deal) that they all keep coming back.

    I met you when you were just starting out as a humor blogger. While I usually skip over the political stuff since I have no desire to start hypertension meds, I visit every day, usually multiple times because you update frequently.

    To thine own self be true.

  15. Aw, you say the nicest things!
    Still got that skunk problem?


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