
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A half million hits, fuckers.

500,000 hits since installing sitemeter on 6 July 2010. Not too shabby for a Knuckledragger, huh?


  1. Congrats, glad to help, aand drum roll, fuck obama!

  2. I guess it was the "Knuckledagin" title that made me click a long time ago, that and the bacon thang, but you and I and a whole lot of other folks think a lot a like! There is a bond beyond our love for bacon, and that would be our total disdain for the dipshit called 'president'.

  3. Yup and ahead of me! Guess, I'll have to catch up. Maybe some nudes each day.:)

    Counter Since July 2010

  4. Send this site to all your Liberal "associates". JUST to PISS em Off! I damn sure wouldn't call em Friends.

    I've brought abut 10 conservitave FRIENDS to this site, and they friggin LOVE it!

    Fuck the Marxist barry, and the horse he rode in on.... This bastard has to GO, or America, with 4 more years of his socialist Bullshit, will be the Death of our Country.
    Bottom line.....

  5. Ya know at least a couple of hits were Homo Holder and fuck Zero just checkin out the fav peeps.
    Congrads, ya always have a good message or a sweet toe to check out. Thanks!

  6. Completely jealous. I've had about 31 hits this month. I am going to try and write something interesting next month.

    Fuck Obama.

  7. People who hate coyotes cant be all bad

  8. Congrates Wirecutter, I just checked mine and I have a grand total of 47,917 since '08!! Hell I am never going to catch up!!

    Many happy returns o the number, upward!


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