
Thursday, January 05, 2012

I am truly at a loss for words here.


  1. Why don't they find an island somewhere in the pacific where they can put these crazy fucks???
    Then stock it with Wolverines high on meth.

  2. OMG... that is some strange shit! Notice they are both wearing Star Trek Next Generation tunics. I've been to a couple Trek Conventions and there are some weird people that show up at those things. I know I'm a little off but go to a Trek Convention if you want to feel better about yourself.

  3. LOSS FOR too....yeeesh...

  4. No Words for this picture. Thought I seen it all, til I found Knuckeldraggin's website, I know its not PC, but 45 years ago, MFer would have been run down, strung up, and NO ONE would have thought it strange to find he/she's corpse on a dung heap. God I miss America.
    Semper Phi, Gyrine; 11bravo.

  5. The word you are looking for is 'WRONG!'

  6. Gee, I wonder who THEY voted for?

    Speaking of Star Trek, I read some years ago about the Toronto PD's internet pedo squad having busted 29 perverts up to that time. Something like 27 of them were total Star Trek geeks. The clothes, the gizmos, the whole bit.

    I just assume that the other 2 were furries.

  7. Well that's out there for sure! But they could also turn out to be 2 of the coolest people we'd ever meet.
    I personally couldn't help but say hi to em myself just to find out.

    Bookcovers and all that shit.....


  8. This is no mystery.

    It is a miniature crippled Negro walking his freak.

  9. That girl needs a good spanking for doing this, and Mother Superior is just the one to administer it.

  10. I was wondering what Lori Petty has been doing lately....

  11. One more thing i just noticed in the pic. Its obvious she has a cross imbeded under her skin around the sternum!


  12. Scary but she has decent hooters! A few beers and a few shots - who knows - I might have tossed her a shot in my single days. My dick had no conscience.

    All the best,
    Glenn B

  13. It took me 2 days,1/2 bottle of scotch, I got words:
    NANCY PELOSE'S core base

  14. So, what is the point about this...this...hookup?
    they going Wallmart shopping or maybe Target shopping?
    Or just taking the pet out for a walk?
    shouldn't this be classified as raciest?
    If it was the other way around I believe it would be for sure.


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