
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A national hatred of Obama? Gee, I wonder why?

“There is a real level of national hatred of the president that I hadn’t seen before, certainly not under Clinton, or under Dubya,” he said. “The hatred, the Hitler mustaches, all that stuff. I haven’t seen that before,” he insisted.
- Chris Matthews of MSNBC


Apparently Dipshit (Matthews, not Obama) forgot about all the hatred and violent rhetoric that his people focused on Bush.


  1. I personally got some hatred for that have no idea the level I'm at. No, I don't want to see him pulled apart by horses(not yet), I want that fuktard nationally humiliated, publically exposed for the fraud he is, the socialist/communist agenda he announced on inaguaration day and pursues still to this moment known for the truth of the matter by every son/daughter of liberty, the owtwordly and downright NIGGARDLY conduct of his self-appointed czars and the DOJ(AGUSAericRACISTholder and minions). A Mussolini meathook would not bring this dispicable blight on our CONSTITUTION to an aggreeable conclusion soon enough...

  2. Chris matthews is a toeheaded fuckstick and he removes all doubt everytime he opens his blathering piehole just like pisslosi and other liberal retards.

  3. They forgot all the hatred toward "W" for 8 years, because of Al Gore and the other fucksticks that tried to steal the elections in Florida through chicanery and failed. But since the lame stream media is carrying the water for Obungler and the democraps they will espouse their views.

  4. Guess he conveniently forgot the hanging in effigy, posters of GWBush being shot in the head, Hitler moustache pictures, etc, etc that the left dragged by for 8 frikken years?
    Liberal hypocrite douchbag.


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