
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Who, me?


  1. Now if there was a leg sticking out of the pink boot I wouldn't be eyeing the beagle as the possible perp.

  2. Honestly, there are too many people in the world who doubt the destructiveness of a beagle. I myself had to learn the hard way.

  3. Yep...a dumb ass beagle. I got one of those too. A great, loving dog and an excellent companion that'll eat or destroy goddamned near anything. Learned quickly not to give the bugger the run of the house when I go out.

  4. I have one of those. His name is Mr. Petey. Beagle weinie dog x. He earns his keep by finding snakes and baying up wild hogs. Trouble with a capital T!

  5. Oh my god, that's MY dog to a T! He's a beagle and countersurfed last night for my filet, the little bastard!

  6. Kenny, where do you keep gettin pics of Patch the Beagle (AKA) the incredible hideous bone crushing beast?

  7. Good stuff Man!! Funnier than shit!


  8. Bagel, my long past beagle, killed a snake AND a rabbit while outside on his run. The little bastard however stayed curled up on the couch watching me chase a mouse with a fireplace poker one night. He lifted his head and looked at me as if to say, "Don't think I'm moving to help you. Outside = my territory. Inside? It's all yours." BTW, I did crush the mouse. Ewww.

  9. Jack Russell - Devon, EnglandJanuary 25, 2012 at 10:09 AM

    Boy, do I know that look! LOL


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