
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Again, where are the White kids?

(People Magazine) — Visitors to the White House on Thursday got to see more than just the East Room on their tour.
First Lady Michelle Obama greeted – and hugged – tourists for more than an hour, and their happy faces, shock and tears were all broadcast live on theWhite House’s official website.
“Surprise,” she told the stream of visitors. “Welcome to my house.”
Clad in a black and white printed dress, and with dog Bo at her feet, the First Lady warmly greeted an array of people – from students to senior citizens – and engaged them in short, but personable, conversations about everything from her “Let’s Move!” campaign (“Tell your grandbabies I said to eat your vegetables,” she told one woman) to fashion (“I’ve never seen sparkly Uggs before,” she told another).
Many visitors asked to pet Bo, and Obama indulged, telling them about the dog’s good “temperament” and how they had hired a trainer when he was younger.
One young tourist was celebrating her birthday. “That’s why I came down,” Obama told her. “Have a very cool 13th birthday.”

And yet Rep. Keith Ellison has the balls to say shit like this:


  1. I think I seen a white kid blended in with the wallpaper.

  2. They are taking care of their tribe....

  3. White kids? What about the Asian kids, or Indian kids? Or Hottentot kids? Once you go black, ......

  4. It's interesting...The population of America is 313 Million. The black population, percentage wise, is 12.6%...OF 313 Million. Yet, since barry has been president, I have seen an abnormal percentage of black people, in ads on tv.

    And...Everytime MOOshel is videoed in ANY's always with blacks. Yeah, maby some token white people or kids... Just "interesting".

    The woman Hates White People. But...we already know that.

  5. she told the stream of visitors. “Welcome to my house.”

    Her house? It's the people's house. She's just a low class renter.

  6. @ Robert Fowler
    You got there before me re. the "Welcome to my house" bullshit, but I suggest you strike 'renter', and say instead 'freeloading occupier"......

  7. I notice that during the last several decades white racism has actually declined to an almost zero level, and black racism has increased to include almost all blacks. The anger and hate displayed by blacks toward whites is in my opinion uncalled for and the blacks need to look to their own actions for the way they will be seen in the years to come.
    I am fed up with the constant accusations that I am racist BECAUSE I am white. Obama has just made it worse with his class warfare, and the knee kick comment that the "Police acted stupidly"
    Obama and Michelle are racist, not me.
    MLK said he wanted a world where a man is judged by the content of his character, not the color of his skin. I don't see that happening.
    Paul in Texas

  8. White people are smart enough to keep their kids away from the Marxist shit that infests the white house at this time.

  9. O.K., Robert beat me to it. The 1st thing that struck me was, “Welcome to my house.”

    Hey lady, how about "Welcome to the White House."

    Low class is right, RF!

  10. Timing is everything.

  11. I'm with Robert Fowler: " house". WTF - technically she is not a renter but a caretaker (paid at that). One more reason why we are in deep shit in this country. We are being 'lead' by low class people bought and paid for my money interests. POS all of them.

  12. Around here (by Knoxville, TN) don't really notice much racism, believe it or not. We all get along just fine... more or less.

    However, when I go back east (Maryland) I notice it big time. Go figure.


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