
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bacon. Mmmmm, bacon......

ISLAMABAD (AP) -- With a police officer wounded and the presidential palace breached, the Pakistani capital has launched a fresh offensive against a uniquely feared enemy in the Muslim country - the city's ever expanding population of wild boar.
Each night, packs of the hairy beasts emerge from Islamabad's river beds, parks and scrubland to rifle through the overflowing rubbish bins of its mostly wealthy residents and growing number of restaurants.


I think it's fucking hilarious that a muslim country is having problems with pigs, shitting and pissing everywhere, defiling those that come in contact with them or their waste.
Probably going to have another riot soon, blaming the US and killing more Americans......


  1. Please DO feed the pigs!
    The more, the better....

  2. I've been saying this for years... take thousands of pregnant wild Russian pig sows and release them all over various Mooseslime countries. There is no way in HELL they'll ever eradicate them, once they are established. The US is proof positive of this.

  3. They're blaming pigs, but chances are it's just their citizens. One thing I know firsthand is that even if you supply a clean bathroom and toilet paper, you can't trust a muslim to not shit on the kitchen floor and wipe his ass with his hand.

  4. This is too fucking funny.

    I laughed so damned hard that it hurt.

    I like the bit about the Russian sows - great idea. Fucking towel heads are too stupid/indoctrinated to use them as a food source.

  5. Mr. White, Reservoir Dog GroomerFebruary 26, 2012 at 11:20 PM

    I hate to be crude - but is the fellow in the middle actually demonstrating the fabled, legendary but never before seen, 'flying fuck' that people don't give?


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