
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Coyote hunting tips from Dogbreath Sullivan

I tried to figure out a way to embed the video that Todd sent me but it's taking more time than I want to spend on it. You'll have to go there yourself.
Coyote huntips tips from Dogbreath

I don't endorse many products on this site but the ones that I do, I've personally used myself.
I've spent some bucks over at Todds, man. He's got his signature calls, clothing, decals, all that neat shit.
His trio of calls are just about the best set of calls you can buy. I bought one of the first 500 sets a few years ago when he first started selling them and I'm still using them today. It was one of the few impulse buys I've made that really paid off.
If you're just starting out or if you're a veteran coyote hunter, stop by. Check out his site, watch his videos and learn something.
Tell him I said hey! if you order something.

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