
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

He doesn't have a fucking clue

“But we have a right in this country to bear arms and I know that there are people who think that somehow that should change and they keep looking for laws for a way to stop awful things from happening,” said Romney. “And there are awful things that happen,” he said. “But there already are laws that are designed to protect people and unfortunately people violate the laws. So trying to find more laws to change bad behavior isn’t the answer, the answer is to find that bad behavior the people who are inclined to bad behavior, my own view is lets protect the second amendment let’s protect the right of Americans to bear arms whether for hunting, for sportsman for personal protection for whatever legal purpose someone might have.”


Come and try to take my guns that have no sporting purpose or the ones that are determined to have no value in "self defense" and I'll show you exactly why the 2nd Amendment was written and ratified - to keep dumbass politicians like you in line.


  1. He hasn't answered numerous requests from GOA to fill out their form. Says it all.

  2. "let’s protect the right of Americans to bear arms whether for hunting, for sportsman for personal protection for whatever legal purpose someone might have.”

    Sorry, guess I really don't understand the problem with this statement. Maby I missed something man. AnyTHING the Republicans put up against this better than the piece of socialist shit that is the so called president now.

    It is said that Yamamoto advised Emporer Hirohito against invading the U.S. mianland because there would be a "rifle behind every blade of grass."

    THAT will ALWAYS be the case, with Real Americans. "Laws" or not...

    God Bless America.

  3. Guess that I am with Swamprat on this one...if he changes his stance I for one will be right down his throat, until then, even though he isn't my 1st choice, he is saying what I expect the leader of the FREE world to say and DO....the dicktatar we have now should be in prison, waiting for execution...that's what our "representatives" ought to be working on!

  4. Yep Brock, it says alot...
    Swamprat & Unclescott,
    "Anything the repubs put up" will do no more than ease up on the throttle a little from it's current position of mashed to the floor. If you guys can't see that, you need to do some more lookin'. We need to be "RESTORING" the rights of what used to be free Americans, not "protecting" the priviledges they tell us we can have... The giberish Mitt & all the other politicians spew forth, it is all crap. There is but one man that threw his hat in the ring that is worth a damn, one man can't fix this mess, but he is the only person that might get Leviathan going the other direction, Brock knows who I'm talking 'bout...
    Thanks for a great blog

  5. I don't trust this perfumed up pussy. I think he's gonna be just another "pretty boy" gun grabbing fuck just like we always get when the people vote with their asses instead of their brains.


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