
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Just in time for the election

American motorists have seen the national average for a gallon of regular gasoline rise above $3.50 a gallon on just three occasions, but it has never happened this early in the year. Analysts say it's likely a sign that pain at the pump will rise to some of the highest levels ever seen later this year.

In 2008, average gasoline prices had hit inflation-adjusted records nationally by the summer, but they didn't climb above $3.50 a gallon across the U.S. that year until April 21, according to the AAA Fuel Gauge Report. It happened again last year, but not until March 6.

But $3.50 a gallon gasoline is already here in 2012, weeks before refineries typically shut down for springtime maintenance, and weeks before the states switch from their less expensive winter blends of gasoline to more complicated and pricier summer blends.

"This definitely sets the stage, potentially, for much higher prices later this year," said Brian L. Milne, refined fuels editor for Telvent DTN, a commodity information services firm. "There's a chance that the U.S. average tops $4 a gallon by June, with some parts of the country approaching $5 a gallon."


Yep, $5 a gallon gasoline during an election year. And when the Conservatives bring that up, Doofus gets to explain why he fucked off the Canadian pipeline that would've provided cheaper gas and more jobs.
Hey, if it'll get that cocksucker out of office, then I'll gladly pay it.


  1. Hell, I'll pay $5 or $6, whatever it takes. In the long run, $10 might be cheap considering what damage our Marxist-In-Chief could do in another 4 years.

  2. Cool site, I just placed this site in my 'Favorites'.

    I just love reading Fuck Obama in print, on the net for ALL to see.

  3. If 6-7 dollars a gallon is what it takes to get the marxist to go home to Chicago, I'll gladly pay it and consider it more valuable than any campaign donation.

  4. Me too.

    This bastard HAS to go. If America elects this socialist SOB again...Our Democratic Republic is Lost, and I'll just take down my Flag. It will mean nothing anymore...
    "American", will have turned a Page. The "entitlement" mentality, has taken over the American dream. The New American Dream...will be "Live off the Govt." If that happens this November...."God Damn" America...

  5. I'm going on record as of now, that, if that fucking muslim booger eating bastard gets reelected I'll do one better than anonymous, I'll lower my flag to half staff.......upside down, and that's where it'll stay till that marxist fuck is gone.

  6. $5 dollar gas by end of April, Electric up by 80% yep Obama kept his promiss. Thank you all that agreed to this. Pipe Line From Canada? Na we don't need it.
    Drill in OUR waters, no way, forget that,, allow others to drill? well it is the Nice Thing To Do,,,
    Raise taxes on US.. Realy? Ok let me see if I can elighten you.....Give a Dole to those not able to pick themselves off the couch, raise taxes on those that do work, make the Dole equal to what is left to those that Bust Ass to earn. So,,, those that earn figure why bust Ass, Dole me,, those that get Dole realize that with this influx they get less. Less money to shell out to those not shelling out money. Claim it is "Unfair" that the rich have more" Then tax the rich to support those that refuse to work, the rich leave, the dole is smaller, so you raise the taxe on the workers, again driving down the economy and making more people eligible for Dole,, who the F pays for that?? Oh I know,, borrow from China,, Oh Wait we did that,, without fixing the problem, well Hell i know, borrow from China.

  7. Jack Russell - Devon, EnglandFebruary 15, 2012 at 10:25 AM

    $5 a gallon? PAH!
    How would you feel living here and paying over $11 a gallon?
    Surprised we haven't had a civil uprising by now.

  8. Gladly pay it for me too, because it'll make me a pedestrian. I drive eight fucking miles a day to work and back, ROUND TRIP, and I can hardly afford that at $3.50. If I gotta walk to work and back, then it ain't worth working...


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