
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What's wrong with America today

Michelle Fields of The Daily Caller sought the views of the NASCAR driver and Sports Illustrated swimwear model about "the Obama administration's dictate that religious employers provide health care plans that cover contraceptives." Miss (Danica) Patrick, a practicing Catholic, gave the perfect citizen's response for the Age of Obama:
"I leave it up to the government to make good decisions for Americans."


Well, good for you because I won't leave it up to the government to decide what's right for me, my family and my Country.
You see, my world doesn't revolve around me like yours does. My world revolves around my wife-to-be, my family, even my dog, and making sure their daily needs are met - which is becoming increasingly harder thanks to this governments' runaway spending and subsequent thoroughly fucked-up economy.
But your personal well-being doesn't depend on the economy or intrusions on our Constitution and Bill of Rights - you're an entertainer. It doesn't even matter to you who is president or which party is in control of the House and Senate. You're an entertainer and people need to be entertained.
You have people surrounding you so you don't have to deal with low level shit like making and keeping your own appointments, fueling your own vehicles, grocery shopping on a tight budget. You're insulated from the world that is my home.
I am not holding your wealth and fame against you at all. You're obviously a very skilled driver, you've hired all the right people and you've earned every bit of what you have. Good for you, I wish you well with that.
But please keep your fucking mouth shut if you have no concept of what you're talking about.


  1. but she looks good in a bikini!

  2. Jesus Harold Christ. I know her attitude exists but to read someone admitting and espousing it in print is...unsettling.

  3. Quite obviously she's a democRAT.

    No person who loves Freedom and personal Choice would ever let such a stupid statement like that come out of their mouths....

  4. Angry White Dude did a piece on this the other day.

    I can't imagine a whole lot of nascar fans seeing eye to eye with miss patrick on this. She needs to learn that if you don't know wtf you're talking about, stfu.

  5. Well, what questionable credibility she once had in my mind, has disappeared altogether. It amazes me how these celebrities either never lived, or have forgotten living amongst the working middle class.
    "show business kids
    making movies of themselves

    you they don't give a fuck about anybody else"
    Steely Dan

  6. Well, what questionable credibility she once had in my mind, has disappeared altogether. It amazes me how these celebrities either never lived, or have forgotten living amongst the working middle class.
    "show business kids
    making movies of themselves

    you they don't give a fuck about anybody else"
    Steely Dan

  7. Ummmmmm why exactly is Danica Patrick even talking.....shouldn't she be making me a sandwich while making an "oh" face while kneeling in front of me?

  8. "wife-to-be"??
    You let something slip there, Ken, or have I missed a blog post along the way?

  9. Just shows ya how a woman SO good at doin something in a "Man sport", can be so fuckin stupid...when it comes to "Real People" Reality.

    Lost ALOT of support for her after that STUPID comment.

    Yes. I DO support people, or NOT by their political statements.
    Danica, stuck her foot in her mouth.

    THAT was an Ignorant, Stupid statement.

  10. Well, for many years I was a total NASCAR fan but most of that went south when they had shitface Moochelle to start the race a while back. No one could have MADE them do that; and no one thinks for a minute that the two ghetto turds give a damn about a good ole boy redneck 'shine runnin' tradition of driving at high speed. They obviously figured the honkies were so stupiod they would think they had something in common with the Obamas. And NASCAR let them get away with it.
    Piss on 'em.

  11. It was a PC answer, the boys will be making fun of her for years on that one.

  12. Ironic. She makes that remark and ruins 2 cars in as many days...Karma's a bitch.


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