
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ooooh, titties!!!


  1. Gentleman do what ever it takes to empty our coffers lapdances, champagne dances, shower dances. Oh, the things you can buy for a hand full of bills. It makes me excited. It gives me the chills. They'll be filcher rubs, breeders, hambones and tweeners, zobos and debos and blorps that go eenahs. For a one dollar bill you can pull down their zippers. I am the Snorlax, I speak for the strippers!

  2. These are NOT titties gentlemen (and I use the word loosely) These are TREMENDOUS tatas. Glorious beyond belief. Bazzongas. Increible playthings. No the word 'titty' is much too mild.
    I need to punish myself for such thoughts.

  3. ..when a bad chest-cold makes it swell, I've got the Vicks salve.


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