
Saturday, March 24, 2012

What would happen.....

I saw this linked over at The Feral Irishman.

What would happen if a black man armed with a handgun confronted "suspicious persons" in his neighborhood? What would happen if the "suspicious persons" were unarmed white teens, one of them was shot dead, and the shooter claimed self-defense?
This is not an exercise in mere speculation. We know what would happen in such a case. There would be no white mobs in the street chanting "No justice, no peace!" There would be no whites holding a "million hoodie march" in New York City. There would be no white equivalent of Al Sharpton, the professional race-baiter behind the 1987 Tawana Brawley hoax, leading marches in the streets of the shooter's hometown. There would be no Federal civil rights investigation by the Justice Department. There would be no comments from a president who seems congenitally unable to keep his mouth shut on matters involving left-wing political correctness. And there would be no national media attention from biased, left-wing "reporters."
We know this because in fact, such an event occurred in 2009 in Greece, N.Y., a suburb of Rochester. Roderick Scott, a black man, shot and killed an unarmed white teen, Christopher Cervini, whom he believed was burglarizing a neighbor's car, with a licensed .40 cal. handgun.


  1. Hey Wire Cutter

    I am kicking off the first annual “Coolest SOB In The Conservative Blogoshpere” award.

    If you know someone (guy or girl) deserving of this award I would live it if you would let me know.

  2. So very true wirecutter. Unarmed whites dare not venture out into the big city ghetto areas after dark. And like you say if one is killed there's no fuss. Happens all the time. Whites getting killed by blacks is the rule these days and not news worthy according to the reporting in the MSM, but a white killing a black, well that's like man biting dog! I should add, that stupidity has not yet reached to south Mississippi where I live.

  3. My wife pointed out the fact that racism was over and done with, until that bastard threw fuel into the fire.
    Anyone have a good load for .45ACP?
    Bullet and powder charge would be a good thing. I'm only going on book learning here.

  4. I use 5 grains of Bullseye and a large pistol primer under a 230 grain bullet.

  5. Between 1865 and WWII there where at least 10,000 black men women and children lynched in the US(conservatively). There are more than 2 1/4 Million individuals in prison in the US, blacks make up 12% of our general population, but nearly 45% of the prison population. The average white household has twenty times the net wealth as the average black family.

  6. Anonymous... for the wrongs of slavery and indeed a harsh life of blacks before the civil rights movement, billions have been spent to lift the person of color from the throws of poverty and injustice only to have them and others of poverty generationally suck on the teet of government and become a slave to the system that was suppose to lift them and make them productive citizens. What a dismal failure in conservatives eyes but a sucess to the progressives who need slaves to keep them empowered. Al Sharpton and ilk like him thrive by keeping these people poor and dependant on the entitlements flowered on them. Without the race card, these men are nothing. This is the real crime and real agenda of progressives who seek the Leviathan state of which has never ever worked through out history.

  7. In my part of the world (close to Knoxville, TN) we had a case most of you likely never heard of, and it wasn't a 'hate crime'. Look up Channon Christian & Christopher Newsom. To make matters worse, the judge was apparently high during the origional trial, so they're doing it again. Lots of people around here are very very mad right now, including me. Still, it's a local story, if the tables were turned you'd STILL be hearing about it, it was really bad.


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