
Friday, April 06, 2012

Hmmmm, that joke didn't go over too well.....


  1. What,telepromter break down again?.Had to try to come up with an original thought that was`nt scripted?.

  2. I think he should have suggested that the government pay for knee pads.

  3. Hell, I didn't know that all this insurance stuff was free! Grandma always said you can't get something for nothing. Heir Obama made a liar out of her, I guess. Why didn't somebody tell me? Where do I sign up?

    The lemmings are eatin' this shit up; stupid fucks that they are.

  4. What a fucking moronic piece of shit. This motherfucker makes me sick to my stomach just watching him, especially when he clenchs his jaw like he thinks he's some badass motherfucker. He ain't bad, he just smells that way.

  5. You can spot the moment he goes off prompter


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