
Friday, July 06, 2012

A 100% ground bacon burger. Well, fuck me silly.....

California burger chain Slater's 50/50 may be bringing home the bacon, now that its menu features a burger made of 100 percent ground bacon. Not to gild the lily, but the Fourth of July-inspired The 'Merica burger comes topped with a slice of thick-cut bacon, bacon island dressing, and bacon flavored cheddar cheese. It's only nonbacon topping is an impressive sunny-side-up egg.
Foodbeast notes that Slater's 50/50 has already made a name for itself by offering its flagship burger made of half ground beef and half ground bacon. Sadly, the three Slater's stores will only be offering the all-bacon burger through the end of July.
The month-long feature comes on the heels of previous burgers-of-the-month, including a Pulled Pork Burger and a Chili Cheese Frito Burger.
And if the bacon burger isn't enough for you, Slater's offers several other bacon-themed novelties, including a bacon brownie and the Bakon Mary, a twist on the Bloody Mary cocktail featuring bacon-infused vodka, a rim of bacon salt and a slice of thick-cut bacon as garnish.


  1. That looks so damn good. I bet you could smear some on your forehead and your tongue would beat your brains out trying to get to it.
    of course, you could just mainline fucking animal fat right in to your veins and skip all that chewing and smacking. What the hell, nobody lives forever. fuck obama. the rat

  2. And the California chapter of PETA weeps. They need to offer a bacon maple milkshake to go with it.

  3. Um, I'm lost. Its Friday, right?

  4. For 12yrs. I pulled out of Hormel Food`s main packing plant in Austin Mn. I still get nauseous just thinking about the smell in the air around there from them cooking that fuckin stuff.

  5. Slaters 50/50 is AWESOME. That is all.


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