
Saturday, August 25, 2012

And the gunman never got off a shot......

New York (CNN) -- A disgruntled former apparel designer was killed Friday morning in a hail of police gunfire in front of the Empire State Building after he shot and killed a co-worker and engaged in a gunbattle with two officers, authorities said.
Police officers fired a total of 16 rounds; one officer shot nine while another one shot seven, the New York Police Department said.
An investigation is under way, authorities said.
The violence erupted just as visitors began to queue up to ascend the famous New York skyscraper in one of Manhattan's busiest neighborhoods.
Police identified the shooter as 58-year-old Jeffrey Johnson, who was apparently laid off from his job as a designer of women's accessories at Hazan Import last year.
"We have on tape the perpetrator pulled his gun out and tried to shoot at the cops," Mayor Michael Bloomberg said. "Whether he got off any bullets or not, to be determined."
Now for the money shot:
Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said the bystanders were not hit directly by police, but rather the officers' struck "flowerpots and other objects around, so ... their bullets fragmented and, in essence, that's what caused the wounds."
Now here's a video of the shooting where you can see the gunman shot down by the worst trained policemen in the entire fucking world.
God, I feel so sorry for the folks just on the other side of the gunman......


  1. Okay, I don't see any shattering flower pots anywhere near that guy.

  2. I can see why L.E.O. is nervous. The average firearm enthusiast in my opinion has better fundamentals of marksmanship than these clowns. It looks like they had better order all the ammo they did if it takes that many shots to hit their intended target

  3. All I see is the shooter pulling the gun and hitting the ground seconds latter. If he did get of a shot I think there would be a wounded cop. If one cop got 7 shots off and another got 9 they went rapid fire. As anyone with minimal gun training knows you must get your gun on target prior to squeezing off a shot and with that amount of bullets flying that did not happen. Any collateral damage is the fault of whoever fired the shot.

    Also: FUCK Obama

  4. I've seen cops "practice" at the range I go to.
    Some of them are very good, and others make you cringe......

  5. Sounds like someone needs to hit the range.

  6. If they had been two CCW's doing the exact same thing, the fraud would be screaming for charges and prison time for the shooters. Not to mention disarming us again.


  7. "Officer Craig Matthews shot seven times. Officer Robert Sinishtaj fired nine times, police said. Neither had ever fired their weapons before on a patrol.

    The volley of gunfire felled Johnson in just a few seconds and left nine other people bleeding on the sidewalk."


  8. Latest news says the guy never fired. I assume all the pedestrians shot by these lunatics will sue. Taxpayers will be shit upon once again. As for the cops? Probably get an award.

  9. And these are the the ppl the government wants to protect us with?.....yes tell me again how *highly trained* LEO's are so much better qualified to handle weapon's, and we arnt.........
    Fuck You Bloomy and the rest of the gun grabbing assholes...... This really steams me.......

  10. And yet, the thought that I'm a much better shot than they are warms my heart...


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