
Saturday, August 04, 2012

For Paul


  1. Just yesterday while I was sleeping, some assbag longshoreman dropped a turnbuckle from a container right onto the deck outside my bunkroom from about 30 feet above me. Sounded like a bomb going off. I have recurring dreams of a container dropping on me while I'm alongside one of these pigs.

  2. Holy fuckin' shit those Indonesian sneakers are going to skyrocket in price now!

  3. Interesting . . . a visual representation of the book I'm currently reading -- Moby Duck. It is the tale of how a shipping container fell off a vessel in the northern Pacific and spilled 28,800 rubber ducks, frogs, turtles and other bath toys, and how those toys were hunted as they made their way 'round the world. It is an oddly fun read.



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