
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Meanwhile, as NASA is gutted.....

If it can be said that the 1957 Soviet launch of the Sputnik 1 satellite triggered a global space race, then Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin's 1961 maiden journey into outer space and orbit of the Earth surely secured Russia's legacy as the global leader in space exploration. This legacy includes technological advances in aerospace engineering, astronomy, physics, microelectronics, telecommunications, and innumerable other byproduct applications. Today, Russia's space industry remains a vital part of economy, involving more than 100 companies employing more than 250,000 people as of 2006, according to the Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies. Moving forward, Russia's continued development of its exploratory, commercial, and military space activities will ensure its national competitive advantage in space, accelerate its economic modernization, and enhance its national security.

Russia's potential in the growing commercial space industry is huge. In June, Sergei Zhukov, head of the Space Technology and Telecommunications Cluster at Skolkovo Innovation Centre, described the potential of the commercial space industry: "Indeed, the world economy is becoming more and more dependent on the intensity of space activities. The market for space technology production and services is variously estimated at between $300 billion and $400 billion a year. It has several segments, the biggest being satellite communications and telecommunications (over $100 billion), navigation and distance Earth sensing. Russia's share in these segments is less than one percent. In the production of satellites of various kinds, our share is 7-10 percent. Our share is traditionally high - 33 to 40 percent - in orbiting payloads, but that segment is small, about $3 billion a year."
More here at PRAVDA


  1. This just makes me nauseous. Obama outsourced our space program so NASA could focus on reaching out to muslims. I have yet to see a single muslim launched into space.

  2. If you'll go to and watch his war porn, you can see quite a few muslims being launched into space. Flying jihadis, he calls 'em.

  3. Well that's something to pop popcorn for. Thanks for the tip.

  4. hiswiserangel said...
    I have yet to see a single muslim launched into space.

    Hopefully we will start soon. Maybe we can hire the Russians to do it for us.

  5. Fu'n Reds are still cranking out Proton rockets while we scrapped the Saturn V and Orion. We actually destroyed the dyes used to make the Saturn V. We couldn't replicate it again with all of the cash being poured into Government Motors. In today's dollars, Apollo was a bargain: $100 billion. TARP? $800 billion? For what? Guaranteed the Russian space agency isn't spending cash on sending f'n multicultural, transgendered representatives to mosques for "Muslim outreach." And we wonder why the Reds are winning...

  6. under B/H/O, there is no American exceptialism except his narcissistic ass. Tear down industry here and relocate it in third world nations to redistribute out wealth through crushing EPA regs upon regs is his goal. Punishment for centuries of colonialism. Why can't manufacturing unions see this bullshit

  7. I saw some muz shitheads launched back in 2009. They were carrying a footlocker of mortars up a mountain and we lobed a willy-p to add to their collection...


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