
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Oh dear God, no.....

Chelsea Clinton may follow in her parents' footsteps after all. After years of shooting down rumors that she may run for office, the 32-year-old Clinton left the door open to having another Clinton on the electoral ballots.
"Before my mom's campaign I would have said no," Clinton said in an interview published in the latest issue of Vogue magazine. "And now I don't know. . ."
More misery here


  1. I am too young to remember her mother, the lizard queen, but after seeing a book talk on the book Amateur in Chief it seemed that our current first "lady" is a worse person than anything I've heard about the lizard queen.

  2. Billary was just as bad. She actively tried to get involved in running the government as the First Lady.

  3. Hitlery jumped in when Slick Willie was first elected and almost rammed a healthcare plan very much like ObamaCare through the legislator. That was in 1992(?). She came close but the Republicans held on and it was defeated. Now as the "Secretary of State" she is instrumental in pushing this international gun control business, and it looks like she may succeed. CUNT!

    Chelsea will be just as evil, but is a tad better looking than (UGH) Amy Carter.

  4. W T F !, these douche bag`s and their progeny are the hemorrhoid`s that just won`t go away. Have you ever looked closely at these creep`s ?. They`re not happy people , the only thing that stimulate`s feeling in them is looking down on other`s or making their fucked up demand`s on how you live.

  5. she wasn't worth a fuck on TV so that made her think she can be a politician(God forbid). All the adoring stupid fuckheads that fawn over hitlery and bubba,
    they will vote her in to office.
    Then there'll be more fucking trash we have to throw out.

  6. The only thing bearable about Bill was he was too busy getting Lewinskied to be much trouble. Can't see that being an issue with Chelsea. Bless her heart, she inherited the worst from both of her parents in the looks department.

  7. ~snicker~ Wiserangel, all I can add ;-)

  8. Please don't torture us, just stay home.

  9. Lord have mercy on her, she's got the personality of her mother. I haven't a clue as to what she got from her dad's DNA and I'm still wondering what delivery system he used.

    As long as she stays away from lurking under desks and don't wear a blue dress she'll probably be fine....


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