
Friday, August 31, 2012

Romney's shortcomings

No, I did not watch the Romney speech tonight. Not once have I heard the man promise to return to a Constitutional Government. Not once did I hear him promise to repeal the Patriot Act, abolish the DoJ, ATF, DHS, FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS and every other enemy of Liberty.
No, I will not vote for the lesser of two evils. Evil is evil. If Romney is elected and turns the economy around I will give the man due credit, but his primary role as President of these United States is to uphold the Constitution. If he fails to do that, he's no worse than the tyrant we have in office.
Slavery is slavery no matter who the master is.


  1. I need to think on this. I'm conflicted in that I think that focusing on fiscal problems would be a good start for the country, and it's not that our voluntarily signing away personal freedom is any less important, but I do feel right now that we have to do some damage control in both places, so this is a potential good start. I do think that we're signing up for more big government and more trouble, but I feel that Romney might slow the sure decline, and hopefully give us time to work on the other, equally important things, too.

  2. Oh yeah, now I remember...

    'ts OK, Your links are good.

  3. Finally a kickass comment on our soon to be next healthcare socializer in chief.

  4. Unemployment, and underemployment, is slavery. Were I enjoying thesame standard of living I was able to before 2008 I would be able to afford the POV that both are evil. The biggest issues for this country right now, in my opinion, are the economy and unemployment.

    I will vote for Romney in hopes that he will get this country back to work. THEN I will be better able to concentrate on the rest of the issues that plague this country, like politicians trouncing the Constitution. If we are constantly living paycheck to paycheck and working six and seven days a week just to pay the basics we are not free men either.

    Just my opinion based on my experiences under the Obama administration.

  5. Wire
    I feel if Bari is reelected our gun rights are history, I know you lost yours in a boating accident, but you probably won't be able to replace all your 'toys' within a year of Bammy's 2nd tearm.
    All the ppl of the III's dreams of producing weapons will be done. Think flexibility after he reelected ..........

  6. If you did not like what the asshat in the role of potus has done already - you sure as hell won't be liking it when he has four years of truly free reign - no worries of reelection. The comment he made to Putin says it all, he has more freedom after being reelected.
    Wild Bill says its best in the video below - please take a moment and watch what he says - sums it up to a T.
    I for one sincerely hope you change your mind, from a III to a III, I ask you to reconsider. Sometimes choices in life are the lesser of two evils, to fight another day as they say. Pick your battles, this is one you must fight, it starts with a vote...

  7. "It’s all bullshit anyhow, but if we have to live under this system, I at least want the shit to come from my bull, not the other guy’s." - Kathy Shaidle

  8. Nope. Ain't happening. If Romney's doing as well as the polls say, y'all can elect him without my help.
    I have my priniciples and I am not compromising them for anybody or anything.

  9. "I have my priniciples and I am not compromising them for anybody or anything" Kudos WC :-)

  10. AngryMike - if Obama is re-elected I would think that opening a gun factory or community is the leat of III's problems.
    Besides, you seem to forget that Romney is from Masschusetts, one of the most anti 2A states in the country. Yes, he supports your rights to own a gun for hunting...
    Fuck the NRA too.

  11. I have been back and forth on this so many times my head's spinning. I see Not Obama as a political Celox, stop the bleeding and save the patient long enough to fix the damage. I see re-electing Obama as maybe hastening the bottoming out, like a drug addict that has to hit bottom before rehab. Or it could all just go BOOM. I'm afraid if it looks like Obama may lose, they'll do something else, so it may NOT be up to us anyway.

  12. I'll be voting for my old governor, Gary Johnson.

    While he doesn't stand a chance in hell of winning, I know I stand on my principles, as well.

  13. well said , friend. The RNC put all kindsa cool shit on their platform but we all know nothing will ever come of it.

  14. OH NO's! OBAMA MIGHT GET RE-SELECTED!! (Cue run around in a disorganized fashion hands on head wee-weeing it up).

    If you so concerned about the first Kenyan getting to usurp the Constitution a second time without vetting, I suggest PT, supplies and organization of other like minded folks. Unless blat-assing about how one tyrant is not like the other is easier than standing for principle. Or standing on principle for the sacrifice and struggle of our fore bearers like Ken's dad, that kind of man we all have in our lineage. If you need some education on this fact, stop by my blog and I will be happy to help you understand that voting for the lesser of two evils is voting for EVIL.

    I voted for McCain in 2008 out of fear. Only to have him co-author NDAA, aka the new Hanoi Hilton program for America. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shoot me in the fucking head because I am a stupid retard who is incapable of learning a simple lesson...Don't trust the elites, period.

    Romney won't slow anything down. Just add the the Fascist case that Republicans are the root of all evil. Let the demo-rats take the credit for the destruction they have wrought. There is no easy, painless way out of this shit. That time passed in 1964, the last time we had a chance to vote our way out of this fucked up mess. The best we can hope for is a total fail of Obot 2.0 ending in impeachment. And a overwhelming distrust of the political elite that We the People decide that it really is best government has the least impact on our lives.

    At some point We the people are going to have to make a stand. It won't be from you easy chair flaying away at your keyboard. The stand will be made in the fields, it will be war to the knife and knife to the hilt in the streets. It will be fought for in the hills, we must never surrender.

    There is several historical points of reference to judge from for just giving in to these kind of "people'. The start is in 1917, and continues throughout the twentieth century. Our children deserve better of us than voting for another bankster fraudman and hoping for the best.

    Otherwise, if you have heard nothing I have said, may your chains rest like a ton of fucking bricks on your rubber spine as you bend low to lick the hand that beats you.

    Fuck Obama
    Fuck Romney
    Fuck all you compromising, appeasing a$$holes. "Our" master class is not going to stop at Czechoslovakia.

  15. And there you have it from a Man from the Land of Ethan Allen.
    Listen to him, if not me.

  16. It is easy to say fuck romny, I wont vote for him when you are in Cali, that states electoral votes will go to obama. When you are in a swing state you have to consider the well being of the country, The decision I have to make is will romny move the ship back towards the Constitution or do I jump behind obama and let him drive this train off the tracks. The problem is I don't know who will fill the vacuum when everything goes to shit. Not an easy decision as the kind of change needed will take generations.

  17. For all of you who have decided not to take it in the ass like a Hollywood and Vine transvestite, here is a place for you to start to begin acting like American men are suppose to. By spitting in the face of our supposed betters and kicking them in the balls.

    Thanks for the outlet Ken. Think I got a burr put under my saddle by all of the Neo-Marxist twaddle and surrender monkey's chittering I have had to suffer through today.

    "The gods of the valley are not the gods of the hills, and you shall understand it"...Ethan Allen

  18. Anonymous - I would take the exact same position no matter where I live.
    Location doesn't change my Principles or way of thinking.

  19. So who would you choose to lead he country? The perfect candidate does not exist and as fucked up as this country has become one person won't be able to fix all of its ills in the stroke of a pen. It my be time to let it go as I am not sure how far back we would have to go to get back to zero. It is not an easy decision for me. God bless you for sticking to your principals.

  20. Okay, no disrespect intended. I admire anyone with principles and a willingness to stand behind them. I do NOT admire anyone in a superior economic position inferring that others are "selling out" or less of a man for participating in this election.

    I'd like to see a show of hands - how many of you who are busy buying supplies, ammo, guns and what have you are also individuals whose lifestyle has plummeted in the last four years to poverty level? I'm just curious. It's easy to be altruistic when you have the financial means. I admire anyone who is willing to get up and bust his hump to try to provide for his family whether he votes or not. Far be it from me to criticize without walking a mile in another man's shoes. There are some of us who share the same convictions and principles but the bottom line is, we need to survive.

  21. I gotta tell you that I do not consider myself to be in a superior economic position.
    In the last year I've lost my house, had to take out a title loan on a vehicle, had to sell my Bronco and I'm surprised when a bill isn't either a cut-off notice or at least 2 months worth.
    I do confess to spending 20 bucks for ammo and 10 bucks in food preps every week - and yes, I've broke into my food preps lately to eat, that's what they're there for, hard times.
    But I also admit that I have it better than a lot of other folks - I'm working, making a decent wage at a job that's pretty much recession proof. And I thank God for that every morning when I pull into work. I also thank Him when I'm leaving for still having that job but that's for a different reason altogether.
    But goddamn, that 100 dollar gasoline bill every week is kicking my ass.....
    I do have friends and relatives that are worse off than I am. Either not working or working two minimum wage jobs while the spouse only works one so the kids don't feel completely abandoned and none of them are voting for either man, same as me.
    The closest candidate that I know of that will meet my expectations is Gary Johnson and he doesn't stand a chance in hell because everybody has this 2 party mentality going on due to the media.

  22. My hat's off to you, W/C. I am referring more to others. Sometimes I get irritated with people who have not really felt the pinch of this economy taking the high moral ground.

    My industry (construction) has not been recession (depression?) proof. I am lucky to have the job I have but it's also because I have a solid work ethic and 30 years of fine carpentry skills I've managed to hone to a razor sharp edge. Not to brag. But I only get straight time for overtime (my deal with the devil for extra money) and no paid time off and no benes, unlike a lot of folks who are working the same job they were in other industries and can afford to be altruistic.

    I have hated the two party system for decades. The Tea Party, I was hoping, still hope, will end that one day. But they are alliwed with Republicans and I also see, contrary to what someone up there said, that a non-vote for Romney is most DEFINITELY a vote for Obama, and I wish more people would vote and vote Tea Party candidates until the two party system can be broken.


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