
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Serves you right

An attempt at viral fame ended in tragedy Monday when a 22 year-old social media intern took his love of internet humor too far.
Joshua Flaherty of New Brunswick, NJ passed away at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital late Monday night due to Sepsis, a bacterial infection resulting from a gastrointestinal perforation, following the rectal insertion of precisely 10 pounds of hickory smoked bacon.
“Josh had a really big heart, and he just loved giving people what they wanted,” said Flaherty’s mother Linda. “When he told me about the project, I thought to myself, Josh is a smart kid and he’s made good at this Internet thing so far. What could go wrong?”
Thanks (I think) to Rick for the tip.

Sure, what could go wrong with shoving 10 pounds of bacon up your ass?
And I got news for you, you blasphemous son of a bitch, if you can fit 10 pounds of meat up your ass you've got bigger problems than you're letting on. Can you say closet?
Stupid motherfucker.....


  1. "It’s just that there’s no need to fake an orgasm every time someone posts a picture of bacon."
    hmmm.. Wirecutter?

  2. OMG, seriously, couldn't he have picked something completely inedible like cottage cheese or boiled cabbage?

  3. Sorry, but MissK's profile pict completely took my mind off the...what was this post about?

  4. I hate him because he defiled and wasted good bacon. Josh is a smart kid?

    Cottage cheese or boiled cabbage?
    You need to make horror movies with that imagination girl!

  5. Yea! Hi rpm, as a bona fide graduate with a movie making degree, I may just do that. ;-)

  6. Um, I don't know if you've been informed, rpm, but MissK and I have been sent to the naughty corner and wirecutter told us to take you too. Ready? Oh and we have to return you in one piece.

  7. I hope it's a nice comfy corner, with the lighting just right....

  8. Ladies, I'm in if RPM cant handle it. I lived with a real redhead for a full year so I do have some experience with you crazy women...........:-)

  9. Assholes (the anatomical kind) are one way streets with a big Green "EXIT" sign over them.

    BTW- this story has been debunked and is officially a hoax.

  10. I just have one question. Did this fool take the bacon out of the package before he inserted it?

  11. Maybe the bacon wasn't completely wasted, it did take one dumbass;>) out of the gene pool.

    Fuck obama


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