
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fuck that hippie bullshit

Hiswiserangel sent me this today, she found it HERE at American Digest and figured I might be interested.

"Our generation are the victims of the 'May '68ers' who wanted to liberate themselves from tradition, from knowledge and authority in education. But they only accomplished to liberate themselves from their own responsibilities."

"It seems that the youth are revolting against their elders everywhere: In France, the kids are declaring war upon the hippies now ruling them." -- Jewel

From the Generation of National Identity: A Declaration of War
"We are Generation-Identitaire"
"We are the generation who get killed for glancing at the wrong person, for refusing someone a cigarette or having an 'attitude' that annoys someone."
"We are the generation of ethnic fracture, total failure of coexistence, and forced mixing of the races."
"We are the generation doubly punished: Condemned to pay into a social system so generous with strangers that it is unsustainable for our own people."
"Our generation are the victims of the 'May '68ers' who wanted to liberate themselves from tradition, from knowledge and authority in education. But they only accomplished to liberate themselves from their own responsibilities."
"We reject your history books, to regather our memories."
"We no longer believe that 'Khader' could ever be our brother. We have stopped believing in the 'Global Village' and the 'Family of Man'."
"We discovered that we have roots, ancestry, and therefore, a future."
"Our heritage is our land, our blood, our identity. We are heirs to our own future."
"We turned off the TV to march in the streets."
"We painted our slogans on walls. Cried through loudspeakers for 'youth in power' and flew our Lambda flags high."
"The Lambda, painted on proud Spartans'shields, is our symbol."
"Don't you understand what this means? We will not back down. We will not give in."
"We are sick and tired of your cowardice."
"You are from the years of post-war prosperity, of retirement benefits, S.O.S. Racism and "diversity", sexual liberation and a bag of rice from Bernard Kouchner."
"We are 25 percent unemployment, social debt, multicultural collapse,and an explosion of anti-white racism."
"We are broken families and young, French soldiers dying in Afghanistan."
"You won't buy us with a condescending look, a state-paid job and a pat on the shoulder."
"We don't need your youth policies. Youth IS our policy."
"Don't think this is simply a manifesto. It is a declaration of war."
"You are of yesterday. We are of tomorrow."
"We are Génération-Identitaire


I might be interested? Might be? This is some hot shit right here. The motherfucking French of all people are making a stand against the muticulturism and socialist idealology that's ruined their country. Well, ruined it this time around, anyways.
Yeah, so it's going to be interesting as to where this goes - a couple of riots and then give up like OWS, or a full scale revolution or will they just up and surrender to the hippies right away as the French are prone to do?

Go to American Digest for the original post, video and comments.


  1. Vive la France.
    I hope I can say that about America soon too.

  2. I love the passion in those kids faces, I love the strength of their words, they aren't asking, begging or suggesting. They are demanding.

    And wc, I didn't say "you might" be interested. I told you to watch and read the motherfucking thing.

  3. *damm* Didn't expect that from the appeasement monkeys...I will have to revise my opinion.

  4. They're only acting like they grew a pair because they know we won't come rushing in to bail them out......AGAIN!

  5. Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys refusing to surrender?

    Can't wait to see it.

  6. Finally, with sincerity - Vive Le France!

  7. I fought the hippie mofos on campus in 1968 and lost. Went to Viet Nam, came home and resumed the quarrel. Still at it for almost half a century. And I absolutely hate being grouped with those drizzle shits nowby the generation that is having second thoughts about voting for the Halfrican usurper.

  8. Bah, France is lost along with the rest of Europe. Let's hope the majority of the kids on this side of the pond pull their heads out of their asses before things here become just as worse.


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