
Monday, October 01, 2012

Hmmm, this took longer than I thought

DENVER (AP) — A man wounded in the mass shooting at a Colorado movie theater is appearing in a nationwide television spot aimed at drawing attention to gun violence as part of the upcoming presidential debates.
Stephen Barton, 22, of Southbury, Conn., was among the 58 people injured in the July 20 attack in Aurora that also left 12 people dead.
Barton was bicycling across the country and staying with a friend the night of the shooting. He now does victim outreach and policy research for Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which helped produce the ad that began airing Monday.
In the 30-second TV spot, Barton urges people to ask themselves during the debates which candidate has a plan to stop gun violence.
Filmed inside an empty movie theater, Barton talks about his experience during the shooting as photos are shown of jagged gunshot wounds to his face and neck.
"I was lucky. In the next four years, 48,000 Americans won't be so lucky, because they'll be murdered with guns in the next president's term, enough to fill over 200 theaters," Barton says in the ad.
Meanwhile, the families of eight people killed in the theater shooting joined the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence to urge the moderator of Wednesday's debate to ask President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney about gun violence.
"To ignore the problem of gun violence in a state where two of the worst shootings in U.S. history took place — Aurora and Columbine — would not only be noticeable by its absence but would slight the memories of our loved ones killed," the letter said.
More whining and sniveling about how the government needs to protect him HERE


  1. Posted, with a few choice words......;-)

  2. My take, if that man would have had a ccw, maybe he could have diverted the gunman's attention by shooting back. I'll bet that the lil Democratic never thought of protecting anyone but himself ........

  3. And if any one of us, legally (most of us) carrying concealed, was in the theater, there would be a MUCH DIFFERENT public service announcement supporting 2A rights.

  4. Yeah, how about making automatic trannys illegal to prevent drunk driving while we're at it. Idiot asshole.

  5. I don't imagine that anyone on Romney's team has heard of John Lott.

  6. When I read this stuff it always reminds me of a scene from The Jerk where Steve Martin was being shot at at the gas station and the gunman shot the oil cans. He said "These cans are defective". His boss said "We don't have defective cans, we have a DEFECTIVE PERSON". <Clue here for the libs.

  7. Fuck that little whining perfumed up pussy. Maybe in the next 4 year term somebody with a CCW just might save his bicycling hippy ass from being a victim then what will he have to say? Don't ya just hate fucking whiners??

  8. Guns are hard to get in Chicago, but that many are shot in a average weekend. Guns were not allowed in this theater, but one person did not obey the law. Fuck this douche bag. All he wants is money.

  9. Will this jackass remember that all the mass shooting take place in locations where no one can carry a gun for defense or protection of others? I doubt it.


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