
Monday, November 26, 2012

And now a butt-fucking from the Right.....

WASHINGTON (AP) — A wide-ranging bill to give hunters and fishermen more access to public lands stalled in the Senate Monday after Republicans said it spends too much money.
Republicans supported opening lands for outdoorsmen and many other provisions in the bill sponsored by Democratic Sen. Jon Tester, but GOP senators blocked the legislation on principle Monday evening in a mostly party-line procedural vote after Senate Budget Committee's top Republican, Jeff Sessions of Alabama, objected to spending on conservation programs included in the bill.
The sportsmen's bill would increase land access and allow hunters to bring home as trophies 41 polar bears killed in Canada before the government started protecting polar bears as a threatened species. The legislation would also exclude ammunition and tackle from federal environmental laws that regulate lead, allow bow hunters to cross federal land where hunting isn't allowed, encourage federal land agencies to help states maintain shooting ranges, boost fish populations and protect animal habitat.


  1. I may wind up applauding their decision because they may have done the right thing by my guess. I wonder, before you thought it a "butt fucking from the right" did you inquire into how the programs they, the leftists, were talking about would be paid off. Was it by raising taxes. Did anything effect the federal exercise tax on hunting and fishing equipment (we would be fucked a lot harder if they increased that or if they decided that money would go to the general fund or both). My guess is this was just another mega paged bill that no one had read completely before they were asked to vote on it. But if not, then maybe the conservatives read it first and then decided it was not really to our benefit to do good for hunters by raising taxes on all of us. It would be just like the left to give us a Trojan Horse or was that a Trojan Horse Shaft by way of a bill that promised one good thing for the few and then slammed all of us with another much worse thing.

    All the best,
    Glenn B

    PS: nice to see you back at the blog again.

  2. They want everyone to 'hunt' at Safeway. It's the Walt Disney Syndrome.

  3. The Right is actually protecting your ass here. Buried in this legislation is language that allows the government to take (steal, without payment) private property from landowners if the bureaucrats running the program decide that land is "needed" for conservation.

    If the Democrats (like that asshole Tester) sponsor legislation, you had better understand it is only to screw you a little deeper, not to protect your hunting (or any other) rights:

    Federal Land Seizure Act Resuscitating Itself from the Dead
    "Looks like GOA defeated Goliath. Nice work."
    GOA warned you earlier this month about S. 3525, the Federal Land Seizure Act of 2012.

    As you will remember, Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) -- who is “F” rated by Gun Owners of America -- is pushing this “hunting” bill which authorizes the Obama administration almost unlimited power to seize private lands for “environmental” purposes.

    While it purports to the contrary, the bill would allow these seizures without the permission of the landowners for virtually any reason.

    You guys delivered a crushing blow to this bill when you pressed your Senators to oppose it. We won, and it appeared the bill was dead for the year.

    As one highly placed office in the Senate told GOA: “Looks like GOA defeated Goliath. Nice work.”

    Sadly, in politics it’s often the case that a dead “Goliath,” like a Zombie, can come back to life -- which is why we need now to cut off its head. S. 3525 could come up for a vote as early as tomorrow.

    Please contact your two U.S. Senators and urge them to OPPOSE S. 3525, the Federal Land Seizure Act of 2012.


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