
Saturday, November 03, 2012

Butt... butt... butt it's Saturday!!!!



  1. Screw open with a joke, open with a REDHEAD!

  2. Pic #1 reaffirms my faith in God. Nothing like that could have happened by chance. =:o

  3. Being a bone-a-fied butt nutt, I thank you kindly, sir!

  4. That first ass may well be the finest in the bunch BUT the babe that gets my lojns alerted (so to speak) is the one in the third pic down, the demure redhead. I have seen other pics of her before, there is just something so friggin hornilicious about her that I cannot stand it. I need the taco, covered in pickle sauce, rubbed up and down a donkeys ass until it couldn't come anymore... NO - wait a minuite - that was what the bitch in Mud Shark ( was asking for - but you get the idea - I want that babe under me, or better yet atop me, in the back of my Philmore (aka: Gremlin).

    later 4 u,
    Glenn B

  5. Every last one of those little hussy's should be spanked and made to put their clothes back on. Before some old horndog come's along wanting to work on them with his gutwrench.

  6. At least they're all women. Piss on that every other one a dude.

    I think some BB-gun sportin Canadian is gonna me...LOL

  7. #s 1 and 10 look like they enjoy a double bacon cheeseburger and milkshake, a fun movie and big ol' romp in the hay. Thank WC and the Lord for these ladies. Damn skippy.

  8. Oh, tripseven, it was really nice knowing you....

  9. Glenn - Z at the Filmore East! Funny as shit.

  10. @hiswiserangel

    ...maybe she wont notice ;)

  11. Oops, sorry tripseven, probably shouldn't have sent her that text...

  12. "Chinese university beauty pageant organizers mandate contestants' nipples be at least 7.8 inches apart"

  13. So which one of y'all is going to volunteer for Nipple Distance Judge?

  14. I spent 20 minutes staring at picture one and don't feel I wasted a single second.
    Bless you Kenny.

  15. Angel, tripseven is clearly drawing attention to himself... And yet complaining over here instead of directly on my blog like he did the first time. Once bitten, twice shy perhaps?

    I might consider changing things up here and there, considering looking at a male body is so difficult for ya... not that you hear me complaining over the "ass"tronomical number of female body clad blogs around here... heck I'm even promoting some :P

    I'm a fair girl, sometimes all you gotta do is ask.

    ...and btw, I use those BB's to make my snake whips ;-)

  16. @hiswiserangel


  17. LOL, tripseven, sweet talk and smooches? Might work...

  18. So which one of y'all is going to volunteer for Nipple Distance Judge?

    I would but I got sumpin in my eye...

  19. I might consider changing things up here and there

    OK, 50-50 is fair enough ;;)

    HWA...the hole I dug??? It's all I got left :)

  20. Well then, tripseven, back the hell off the boobies a step or two...

  21. HWA...OK, but only when it's really cold out

  22. I'll snicker from a distance... that's too funny... ;-)

  23. wirecutter must be distracted, otherwise all our happy asses would be banned...


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