
Saturday, November 03, 2012

A shot of what's to come

-Wisco Dave


How many days ago was the hurricane and you've already got people dumpster diving for food? If you'll look close, these are for the most part, regular folks with jobs and homes.
Yeah, keep making fun of me for prepping, motherfuckers. You'll never  see me down there fighting over scraps like a damned stray dog.


  1. Gahdam right ! me either.

  2. Is it just me? Fucking video won't play.

  3. most people have less then 3 days of food in their house at any time, even less if they live in the bigger cities where eating out/delivery is how most people eat.

    I just moved from Germany to Hawaii, in June of this year, and i already have built back up a 2 month supply of eats in my place. Everyone should have at least 2 weeks for every person in the house(6 months would be better but space and cost is a problem for some people).

  4. I got a big batch of grief (well, a dozen nasty emails) over saying the same thing on my blog. Most of these people grew up in the ocean flood zone would have lived through smaller but still damaging storms when they were kids. I certainly did, up further north. No power or road access for a couple of weeks, that sort of thing. We handled it. So can they. The single largest difference today is that many people don't need to help themselves, so they don't, and view their inconvenience as being equal to the suffering experienced by people who lost everything. Assbags.

  5. Water? Check.
    Food? Check.
    Batteries? Check.
    Ammo and guns? *giggles hysterically*

  6. First day in NJ with power since Monday. Simply, for 5 days there was no power (still widespread, I got lucky)and there is still no fuel. Another lesson learned was siphoning fuel from your car for your generator is no longer as easy as back in the 70's (the last time I had to do that). Homes on barrier islands are being regularly looted by scum coming onto islands under cover of darkness by boat across bay. No National Guard, no protection. So in short, no power, no fuel, no protection; you need to provide your own.

  7. Some of the dumpster divers are Obama's ppl, on welfare, they were told to leave, or prep, but the cards don't get recharged till the first, no money, no food or gas to leave.........

  8. Siphoning fuel from the fill neck on most 10 -15 year old and up vehicles is mostly impossible... there is a check ball that is in the filler neck that stops fuel from coming out of the neck if the thing rolls over. So jamming a hose down there is futile at best unless the tank is full, then you may get some fuel. No drains plugs either... cost too much. Ha.

  9. Hell, it was only three days post storm before I started hearing the "WE'RE STARVING!!!" clips on the news reports from the area. Even if you don't prep, how hard is it the buy a couple of extra cans of beans at the store when everyone is warning you about the storm for a week a head of time?

    Stupid people.


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