
Friday, November 02, 2012

Y'all take heed

I just heard on the news that New Jersey Gov. Suckass Christie just announced that gas rationing is now in effect and the news is showing lines of a mile or more at gas stations.
A charity was holding a relief event and at the end of the announcement the spokesperson confessed that she weren't expecting a big turnout because of the "gas situation".
Fucking society there had a major jolt and a small taste of what life's gonna be like when the government collapses, and yet there are going to be those that will expect the government to come to their rescue after it collapses.


  1. I am with you cutter, 75% of the "people" have not clue and think prepping is a collage fashion style or getting beer and chips for the next sporting event on tv. Like most on this blog, I have been studying prepping for disaster and amassing things as I can and have a plan. I have told my wife and daughter that the aftermath of Sandy is a primer for things to come and posed the question what do you think will happen when the financial cliff hits? None of this really surprises me, though. Just a replay on Katrina and how inept our government really is. But the DHS has their billion bullets though. When it comes down to the nitty gritty, one has to depend on himself or like-minded group but no sense preaching to the choir...

  2. " The Sheeple of America " some will be slaughtered , all will be fleeced.

  3. I've said it before and I will say it again, SHIT'S A COMING GET READY

  4. Amen!
    Greece is much worse than you might think. Eurozone collapse coming soon. The house of cards is falling and most are not aware that it will happen and definitely are not prepared for the aftermath. WTF, 3 days of food? C'mon people!
    Not gonna be pretty...

  5. Anyone know how long you can store gasoline for? And if so any tips?

  6. Wrench, if the zombie apocalypse hits, I have enough beer to make it till judgement day.

  7. WiscoDave, I have more than 3 days of food in my bug out bag alone. Why did these people have no food water or clothes? The ones whose homes were destroyed I can understand, but the rest?

  8. I have a college classmate who lives in Manhattan in an 800 sq ft box with an 8 sq ft kitchen. She has no room for anything beyond a day or two's needs. She shops for food DAILY because there's no food storage in her kitchen. And that's when she cooks. Most of her meals are eaten out at restaurants. These urban idiots have no idea how to prep, they have no room to prep, they have no urgency to prep because their entire existence has been day to day.

  9. @cranyjohn
    hiswiserangel said it all. Most of these people don't cook, at least the city ones, unless it's what they pick up on the way home. Large grocery stores, I've heard, are non-existent.
    Plenty of stories on the 'net about people bitchin' that the Govt hasn't helped them yet.
    WC sent you a link about the gas shortage but no shortage of cops to write tickets for the cars that don't have gas. Fucked up!

    crankyjohn - I've got a 300 gallon bulk tank of unleaded. Get it down to 150 and order more. Pay .04/gal over pump price for delivery. Talking to the tank co they say about a year as is, more with a preservative. I go through 150gal every 4 weeks so turnover is not a problem. Biggest trouble you may have is local limit on amount you can store. If you want more info ask wc for my email.

  10. The main reason they are having gas shortages is because they have price controls on the gas now, "NO GOUGING". If they let the free market set the price for gas, then people would truck it in and sell it at a price to make a profit considering the problems of delivery in a disaster zone. Once again, government does the absolute worst thing possible.

  11. @WiscoDave, thanks for the info, don't think I could store that much fuel. I have been stock piling food and water for awhile now, but gasoline is still a weak area for me. I do not think the 20 gallons I usually store will be enough.

  12. I use StaBil for for my fuel, which I do not stockpile. No room for it here in town and I'm not keeping 55 gallons or more in a drum 50 feet from my house. The dangers far outweigh the benefits in my eyes.
    I can walk to get to where I need to go.

  13. Crankyjohn: Gasoline will keep approx 6 months without treatment before going stale. There are additives to the put in gasoline but beware... some are junk. The ethanol that is in the fuel actually is grain alcohol and supposed to be 10%. If you add isoprophyl gas line antifreeze to your fuel, you're boosting the alcohol content which ain't good if you do not have a flex-fuel vehicle. Will run like crap and use more fuel. Also, the alcohol attracts moisture and overtime, can collect and start corroding metal parts in fuel system. It actually ruin carburetors on your lawn equip. And make then hard to start.
    Stable is ok, StarTron Enzyme fuel treatment is s pretty much snake oil. The BEST that I have seen and witnessed the comparison tests with other products is BG Products gas drier: it literally turns the water into hydroscopic droplets that are suspended in the fuel and then carried to the cylinders for burning. HEET made the gas in a test tube look like a lava lamp. StarTron just turned the water into glow at the bottom of the tube. To protect the metal parts, their CF5 additive does the trick. I put an oz. Of CF5 in my 5 gal gas jugs before filling them. They sell the package under part number 2028 i think. Or you can buy them separate. DO NOTuse cheap gas line antifreeze/drivers like Heet. There are some good articles on-line about the effects of ethanol on fuel systems. Just my professional 2 cents worth.

  14. Crankyjohn, beer goes stale also... lol

  15. Pri-G gas treatment is supposed to be much better at stabilizing gas for long term storage than Stabil.


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