
Monday, November 05, 2012

Captive bred = still wild

BOZEMAN, Mont. (AP) — A 24-year-old man was mauled to death Sunday morning while cleaning a grizzly bear enclosure at a wildlife casting agency in southwestern Montana, Gallatin County officials said.
The man was mauled by one or both of the captive-bred grizzly bears at the Animals of Montana facility north of Bozeman, Sheriff Brian Gootkin said.
The victim's name wasn't immediately released, but officials said he's originally from Pennsylvania.
Chuck Watson, attorney for Animals of Montana's owner, Troy Hyde, told the Bozeman Daily Chronicle the grizzly bear had to be put down in order to recover the victim.
"It's obviously a tragic situation, and I don't think we'll ever know exactly what happened," Watson said.
Animals of Montana provides captive-bred animals for photography shoots and motion pictures, ranging from African lions and minks to badgers and bobcats. The company's website said it had three grizzly bears.
The man's death is being investigated by the sheriff's office and Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks wardens.


  1. I drive hy that faculty several times a month. Big sign out front "Come See Live Grizzly Bears".....
    They may be born & raised in captivity, but they are by no means domesticated! Still very much the wild animal with inbred survival instincts.

  2. "It's obviously a tragic situation, and I don't think we'll ever know exactly what happened,"

    He was killed by a wild animal? At least that would be my guess. Just because the were bred in captivity doesn't make them tame.

  3. DUH!

    What part of WILD animal don't you understand?

  4. It's a grizzly. They've been proven to be very unstable in that area. There is no such thing as a 'domesticated' grizzly. Just a less lethal one.

    Lions and such can be raised and hand fed. Most big cats can. But grizzlies? That's just ASKING for a world of hurt.

  5. I saw a newspaper post with that bear and the owner wrestling around last month.

    The first thought in my mind was, "That F'ing bear is huge". My next thought was, "that idiot is gonna get killed".

    He's not the one that died, prolly one of his workers but geez.

    Ya can't fix stoopid....

  6. "wildlife casting agency"
    Paging mr/mrs. Grizzly. Attention.
    Stupid fucking human in your space!
    Gee what a suprise....
    How shocking. Freddy Mercury would be so proud!


  7. "We have attempted to interview the bears with poor results. The people never return and the bears seem really well fed. Caint figger it out!"

    I've seen them in the wild, they are bad boys.


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