
Sunday, November 04, 2012

Provo Canyon Bigoot

Hikers thought they were filming a black bear in Provo Canyon until the motherfucker stood up and walked away.

Go HERE for the story and an enhanced and slow motion video.


  1. Had the granola chewers been eating their jerky lille they should have, this would have been a great opportunity for a fucking with squatch commercial. Pussies were obviously unarmed.

  2. T'was my mother-in-law, rooting around for the last of the mushrooms.

  3. That looked like my Uncle Louie taking a dump behind a tree. No really.

  4. Some camera crew - I'm surprised they didn't drop the camera...

  5. And this is why I'm getting a Winchester '94 in .454 Casull.

  6. Is it inappropriate to ask why the camera was pointed in that PARTICULAR direction at that moment in time?

    Does a wild squatch shit in the woods?

  7. Can you get a Winchester 94 in 454 Casull?!! I can think of some other troublesome creatures that might need encouragement to "get off my porch," and that kind of smokepole would do the trick.

  8. My ex inlaw provided the horses for the expedition that took that famous sasquatch footage. Mostly wouldn't talk about it because he got so much crap about it being fake. He definitely believed it was real, though.


  9. I've been up that canyon more times than I can count, and it is full of black bears. That looks to me like a bear rearing up to take a look at something curious (the photographer).
    If the people had any sense, though, they would have walked away, not run. Running can excite bears into giving chase, just like a dog.


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