
Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Never one to mince words.....

So the polling places are closed and the votes are in.
If you come here for humor or my warped point of view but are not a III Percenter and you voted, no matter who you voted for, then good for you. You exercised your Right.

My issue now is with those III Percenters that come here that voted Romney or Obama.
In case you haven't been reading the III blogs, our goal is a return to a Constitutional Government. That's the reason we exist. Romney is NOT a Constitutional man. He is a fucking politician, not a Statesman. His record speaks volumes.
By voting Romney/Obama, you just set our goals back another 4 years. You just showed your true colors. You like the III behind your name, you like to fly the flag and wear the patches but your fucking values are shallow. You had a chance to show your dissatisfaction to the political machine and you fucked it off. You just betrayed us at the polls.
I can look at myself in the mirror and know in my heart that I am a Man of Principle. Not only do I talk the line but I also walk the line. I have never signed my name with a III but I will tonight. I deserve it.
-KennyLane III


  1. I don't fly the flag, I don't wear the patch, and I don't puff myself up as a Superpatriot MegaRambo.

    I just do what I have to. Sometimes, people come with me.


  2. Neither Romney nor Ă˜bama got my vote. I voted for Freedom. The resistance begins.


  3. I voted my conscience for the first time in my adult voting life. I woke up, maybe a little too late, but I'll sleep soundly knowing I didn't buy into it this time.

  4. Be prepared, this is about Vengence now.. Obambi said it, his followers will perform it. Stay situationaly aware and stay safe.

  5. This is a sorry night.

    I stand with you Kenny. We have become a nation of cowards.

    God help us.

  6. well all I can hope for is that when they start shipping food and supplies to only sities that voted dem that you spit and or shit in it. Cause I really do not see any real movement that is going to change the course we are on. Rationing, unemployement, loss of freedom. Sure Romney was only a lesser of two evils. But what is III%rs goin to do?? All I have heard of and read was hunkering down and helping the inner circle of friends... Sorry buts thats my thoughts on this pittyfull night...AAARRRGGGHHHH.

  7. The "principaled" vote has probably gotten
    America a second term for Lucifer's step child
    and the certain end to freedom in America and probably for the planet. Thanks a lot....enjoy the chaos and slavery.

  8. i have been reading your blog and others a truly Constitutional Government would be a great thing wouldn't it but it has a snowballs chance in hell of happening
    the majority vote doesn't count that means as idividuals we do not count


  9. And you really thought things would be different under the white guy, Dan?
    His politics are the same as Obama's. As I said, his record speaks for itself.
    Don't drown in the kool-aid or your sorrows. And don't blame me - you're starting to sound like Obama - blame the millions of people that voted for Obama.

  10. I came close to voting straight Libertarian. Don't agree with all of their platform, but I'm a lot closer to them than the Republocrats and Demolicans.

  11. you didn't honestly think there was any other outcome possible did you

  12. We'll never know will we..... we all KNEW how bad O has been over the past 4. It's amazingly improbable that Romney would have been worse....and he MIGHT actually have been better. It's just that simple. Obama told us what he had planned, we watched him corrupt his office on a daily basis and everyone with a pulse knew he had more horrors planned for
    America...yet a lot of fools voted third party or not at all because they thought they were "principaled" when they were just fools. Thanks to fools who could have possibly turned the worst man ever to hold office out but couldn't be bothered America's doom is now certain rather than probable.

  13. At least I have a reason to but more guns and ammo, not the magazine. Couldn't vote for either of the 2 shitbirds chosen. Voted my heart, RP. The system is so screwed.

  14. i agree with you fully Ken. I've been pushing the truth over at AWD (and everywhere else), but nobody is willing to see reality. Everyone I speak with, I challenge.

    Sadly, it is over. All I can come away with is this: we can't change how the morons think, so just try your best to take advantage of their stupidity - what else is there? If you can't beat the illetist scum, join em???


  15. travelin lite and well heeledNovember 6, 2012 at 11:53 PM

    does history repeat itself
    read this
    interesting history lesson i suspose

  16. No offense, but its kind of easy to say when you live in a state that was decided generations ago to be a libtarded paradise that would ever be anything but Democrat. In Ohio we had a chance to get this fucking idiot out of the White House. I still need to fill up my gas tank and would prefer to pay less than $6 a gallon. I still need to work to pay for the fucking Obama Care for all the illegals, which would have went away under Mittens supposedly. Do you really think the Liberty movement will gain any traction with this many illegals streaming into our country we now have to pay for? How about a demoralized military? Plus I can't stand looking at the motherfucker Obama or his fat ass wife. The problem is not III voters or Republicans, it's the lazy sumbitches the citizens of this country have become. The only reason they voted him back in is because there are too many lazy ass motherfuckers with their hand out for a free phone, or food, or whatever they can get their grubby little shit hooks on. Let me know when you guys are ready to shout "Wolverines", then maybe something can be done. Still love ya Wirecutter, but I did what I thought I had to do.

  17. His policies were not the same as Obama's and frankly although I do not want to start an argument between any potential allies at this point voting the Constitutional or Libertarian candidates cost us an election we would have won despite Femocrat deception. Or at least some numbers I saw earlier did in Florida suggest that.

    I respect your choice and I even understand it but I advise we set our differences in strategic political maneuvering aside right now. Let's be a little less confrontational and a little more intelligent by embracing the things we are best at. Cooperation and Cohesion.

    what should our next move be?

  18. I find it simply amazing that there are over 53 million morons in this country.

    Not to say that I voted for the other one.....I didn't,I voted my conscience.

    We are so fucked.


  19. I shall go forward with a smile on my face and song in my heart. When in four years, my ears come upon the lamentation of those deprived of their liberty, I shall remind them of this day.

    I shall then ask them who they chose when so much was at stake. I will offer my hand in friendship and ask them to join me in restoring the republic.

  20. Mr. Lane

    When are you going to run for office ???

  21. Dan, are you fucking stupid or what? Like I said before, blame the millions of motherfuckers that voted FOR Obama.
    If you think I'm a fool, then what the fuck are you still doing here?
    Don't bother answering, I'm not posting shit from you anymore.
    Go dry your tears on your mama's apron.

  22. Craig - California ain't the only place I've ever lived and I've never in my entire life voted Republican or Democrat.

  23. Can we now stop putting "reasonable, Harvard" types up against MMA fighters? For once I would like to see a conservative pound the crap out of the other guy in debates, on TV, and door to door. The liberal nastiness works. Lies work. Can we quit with the moral high ground and "Christian" tactics during the race and put that hat on after we win? The American Idol crowd is easily fooled and quickly forgets the lies told.

  24. Kenny: I have enjoyed your writings now for some time. During that period, you have always stated "upfront" exactly where you stand. As a non-voting Canadian,(in your elections) my hat is off to you. Would that both of our countries have more men and women of your stripe.

  25. Fair enough Wirecutter. I went in the booth with the intentions to vote libertarian but succumbed to the temptation of throwing the bum out in a close race. I won't make that mistake again.

  26. Pioneer Preppy, I couldn't agree with you more. Dan and Craig, you wrote what I feel. According to Ken, I should now remove the III after my name. I voted for Romney only to buy time for the Citadel to be built. For this my values are attacked as shallow, I betrayed the community, and I didn't make a statement to the political machine.

    I did walk the walk by putting my cash into starting up III Arms, and had pledged a monthly allotment. That's how much I believe in restoring our nation to its governance by the Constitution and Jeffersonian principles. To my warped point of view, this was more a way of telling this corrupt system where I stood than skewing the results and voting this piece of shit traitor back into office.

    Thank you for showing how unprincipled I am. I will no longer use the III after my name. I will stand alone, as will my husband, and fight for liberty in our own fashion.

  27. Idahobob, you took the words right out of my mouth, and I don't give a hoot who's President...

    "I find it simply amazing that there are over 53 million morons in this country."

    That's something, isn't it? Incredible. You got the conclusion right too...

    "We are so fucked."

  28. Nixon got re-elected too, and was in a lot less trouble overall.
    And look how that worked out for him.

    I think I'd enjoy watching Barry go through a good old fashioned Watergate style hearing session

  29. All I can say, is that the republic sadly will reap what she's sown. In the last 18 months I've woken the fuck up. Thank you Kenny for putting me in touch with local 3%'s. The gauntlet has been thrown. The question is, do we pick it up and strike back, or bide our time until the system collapses under it's own weight to restore the republic.

    -Singing Detective

  30. I have a hard time swallowing the idea that the people of this country don't see the problem (or close thier eyes to it). I didn't vote for either one of the "two" partiers nor do I buy into all the bullshit.neither one of those idiots were going to be able to "fix" shit.
    I feel like one of the outsiders who still wants and beleives in the original ideals this nation was founded on.
    I proudly place a big fat III behind the name Jason PusateroIII.


  31. Dan, the Libertarians got 1% of the vote. I doubt the other parties got 1% combined.

    The reason Obama won was because of the auto bailout. That is what gave him the white vote in the Rustbelt. If Romney and the Republicans had attempted to appeal to the blue collar whites of the upper midwest with something besides "I am not Obama", then he might have won.

    Honestly, I can't say that the Obama victory wasn't the best thing. Maybe, just maybe we won't be at war in Iran now. I know I don't want my child or my nephews going over there to die.
    Things are not going to get better in the next four years, let Obama take the fall. Maybe in 2016 we can get a Constitutional Conservative in power. That will be four years of hell, then maybe some sunshine. A Romney victory would have been 4 years of hell, followed by another 8 years of Democratic ruled hell.

  32. Romney needed 64 more votes in the electoral college to win. This would have required him to win FL, OH, Va, and Colorado.

  33. We're like a nation of drugees. More free shit please. As we hit the gutter face down I am betting that the only people who keep voting are the producers and that the free shit for the free shit army will dry up out of necessity. When you quit buying the FSA votes they quit voting. So have patience and for Christs sake, prepare for hard times 30's style.

  34. I voted for less government. But the idiots have the majority apparently.

  35. I already posted here once but feel obligated to post again after reading more of the comments that have come in... Wirecutter you voted the way you wanted and noone should condemn you for it. I did/do not agree with it but it is your right to vote your way and I would/will fight and die for you to do it again. We ARE and Will be free till our last breath.

  36. 60.5M people voted for Obama...Proof positive that the American educational system has been broken for a LONG time. Stupidity: doing the same thing again and expecting different results.

  37. TOTC, maybe your prose may be the best. We are the Remnants as written in an article by Ann Barnhardt and expoused in an essay by Albert Jay Nock. It is up to us to correct the wrongs of the masses....

  38. I'll just say this: The perfect is the enemy of the good.

    "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson

  39. The problem is simple and it won't go away. We are now outnumbered. There are more of them than there are of us. They will vote us out every time from now on.. That is the purpose of muliticulturalim and immigration from the cesspools of the world. The government wants a nation of losers. They are easier to control and to bullshit into submission.

    The only way the country will get back to it's constitutional roots is the way we got it the first time. By shooting all the bastards who are stopping it from happening. Now, of course, I am not suggesting anyone go and shoot anyone. i am just telling you how it's going to have to done ... if enough brave people are sufficiently motivate to do such things.

    I don't believe there are enough people who want to risk their comfort, let alone their lives for such a nebulous cause as freedom. But then, lI could be wrong.

  40. S - I appreciate it. I damned sure don't want you watching my back.
    You actually voted for somebody that voted for NDAA, the Assault Weapon ban and the Patriot Act.
    Yeah, that's a sure sign of being a Patriot.

  41. Amen, Guess sooner not later all these dumb fucks will get a clue. No, why care when you do not have to work or be held accountable for anything you do.Fuck em all.
    Brian from Florida 111.

  42. I have been trying to compose a coherent writ of my thoughts. I have to stoop to plagiarizing a commenter from WZ. Or maybe Mark Levin.
    "No fucking way I'm going to be a good loser" And I add,
    Of my country and my freedom.

  43. Wirecutter,

    I read your take on all of this and you are right. Obama is a symptom of the cancer that is killing our nation. If like-minded people want to put their comforts (what ever these are, they will be lost anyway) on the line and join a tribe, it better be done.Talk is cheap, and we will all get a chance to walk the walk soon.

  44. Wrote in Ron Paul here since he wasn't on the ballot as he was in'08. Ron/Rand Paul 2016.

  45. Isn't it already to late to get a clue? ANONYMOUS?

    Start giving a shit before there is nothing left. You have four years to come up with a decision.

    I hope.


  46. Your's is a fools errand Wirecutter. I use to like this blog...then you got all self rightous and too schmart for your own good.
    To take back this great country; we need to do it small chunk by small chunk....your way of getting what you want in one fell swoop won't work with the sceered white folk. You are going to meet tremendous resistance because the idjits can't hear your common sense.
    Voting for Romney was the first step to regaining this great III folks blew it.


  47. So if you used to like this blog, what in the fuck are you doing here now?
    Go somewhere else, I could really care less.

  48. Dammit, my arrows are the wrong way. Revised.

    Motherfucker ---------------->

    Yup. I am. I'm displaying my bumper sticker on my virtual mini-van waiting for the virtual property damage.


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