
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Oh, HELL YEAH!!!!!

Three generations of the Gammon family have proved that men aren't the only ones who can bring home the bacon - or the venison.
Brenda Gammon, 53, bagged a six-point buck near her home in Peru, Maine, on Friday.
Within hours, her daughter Julie Carlow, 33, and her granddaughter Katelyn, 13, each shot deer of their own.

The three women proudly posed for a photo with their trophies, each woman hoisting her rifle and clad in a blaze orange vest and hat.
'It's really a family tradition that was passed down from my parents. We’re just trying to show that women can do this,' Ms Gammon told Mail Online.

Thanks to The Apprentice for the story.


  1. That is a wonderful story. That one on the right though..... Dude, I think thats a beard!

  2. That is impressive, but looking at 'em, I'm pretty sure that wasn't their first rodeo.

  3. So what? They kill shit and judging by the looks of them they also gut and skin them too.

  4. So what? They kill shit and judging by the looks of them they also gut and skin them too.

  5. Good deal, we need more families like this one.

  6. I don't give a rats ass what their physical appearance is.... they each just took their own deer (and gutting, skinning, and butchering is part of the deal)..... I'd be pleased to hunt with em' anytime!
    To many "men" cannot even dream of shooting & skinning game, much less eat it!

  7. They should be proud, that's for sure, but are the deer in Maine usually that small?


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