
Saturday, November 03, 2012

Schooled again

In line at the market today I was watching this old Okie, must've been in his 80s or 90s in his pressed town bib overalls unload his basket in front of me. Just a few basics - bacon, eggs, salt pork for his greens, Brylcreme, coffee, shit like that - and after he pays and is loading his bags back out into his cart, he notices and holds up a bag of avocados he missed. "Here, these too" he says, holding them up.
Now he could've loaded his bags around them and walked out with nobody but him being the wiser, but he pays the $3.99 for them and takes his penny in change.
"An honest man - now that's a rare thing nowadays" I remark in a rare attempt at being sociable.
He turns to me and asks "What would you have done?"
I shrugged. "Same thing, I reckon."
"Well then, it ain't so fucking rare now, is it?"
Grouchy old fart......


  1. He knew what you were going to answer before he asked. I think he set you up to give you a fucking compliment in a grouchy old fart sort of a way. You honest bastard you! Nice to know there are more than two of us left in the world.

  2. Every time I get too much change back, and return it, the checker looks stupefied.
    Guess "they" outnumber "us", at least here in Southern Kaliforniastan.

  3. Off Topic..

    I don't have your email available so I'll post this here.

    How would you like one of these?

  4. He was as about as sociable as you, give it a few years........

  5. Embrace these "old farts." They're grouchy for a reason. Have you seen what's happening to SS and Medicare that they have paid into all their lives?!? Nuff said!

  6. I am a grouchy Old Fart. I growl and glare, it is amazing what I can get away with. I love it when I miss an item and then hold it up. The glare usualy gets them to say no charge just take it, the Growl gets them to ring it up. The smile always gets a smile in return. Being a grouchy Old Honest Fart is fun. Enjoy it.

  7. HA! Awesome old guy! I reckon around here, you, me, and that old guy would be the only ones in the whole store who would have done that. I've seen rich bitches bragging about the sunglasses that the cashier forgot to ring up or whatever, and being proud of it. Different times we live in, that's for sure.

  8. Now that my hair is grey and my face has "character" (read wrinkles), I find I can get away with saying and doing shit that would have earned me an ass-kicking 20 or 30 years ago.

    I like it!

  9. My boyfriends at the VFW are all "Grouchy Old Men". Until I break out the baked goods and tight jeans, then they're all smiles and sugar. Just have to know how to handle 'em. God Bless Every Grouchy One of Them.


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