
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ants and grasshoppers, man.

No, I do not have any "spare" ammo for sale. No, I do not have any ammo to loan (as if I'd ever get it back) and no, I don't have any firearms for sale or loan either.

I've been telling you motherfuckers for months and months to stock up on ammo, even telling you how to do it on the cheap by buying one box per week. Had you done that for a year, you'd have over 1000 rounds of ammo right now. One fucking box a week - ten bucks - but you didn't do it. But now that it can't be had you expect me to dip into my supplies and cheerfully hand over mine? Fuuuuck you.

You couldn't afford to buy a box a week? Seriously? You could afford to buy beer every weekend though, right? What about that $60,000 car you're driving? Sure is a big-ass TV you're watching although I think 60 inches is a bit big for your house. Let's not forget about that Benelli shotgun you just had to have even though a Remington shoots just as true. And damn, does your 14 year old kid really need an iPhone and $100 pre-ripped pants? Really? I hope your vacation in Cabo was nice and enjoyable.

And you thought my priorities were fucked up.

By the way, remember this post when the economy dies and your food runs out, yeah?


  1. Prople are really asking you that? Hmm, what's an appropriate word?
    Here's one.

  2. Yup, and they're actually pissed when I tell them no.

  3. Once I had what I considered enough ammo for my guns, I started buying ammo in calibers that I don't shoot. I intend to trade this ammo to friends who didn't stock up ahead of time, but not until MY life depends on it. Maybe trade some 9mm for your wife's pistol for some 7.62x39 for my back-up rifle- that kind of trade.

  4. I learned my lesson 4 years ago. Never get caught flat footed again.

  5. Bought when Clinton was president.
    Used much, replaced much more.

    I can read the headlines now, weapons and ammunition cache found in quiet and unassuming man's garage. He must be fucking nuts....he's a VN Vet and a supporter of the Constition.

    You try to take my weapons and ammo and I will show you fucking nuts.

  6. Yep, I had a friend ask for an AR mag today, cuz I have so many, I said fuck you, you were told, you didn't listen. I said I may sell 6 or 7 at the next show to build my extra AR I want, he was furious, I giggled. I ain't selling nothing even at 5× the price I payed..........Fuck em...........;)

  7. Anybody looking for a hand-out from you doesn't realize that hand-outs got us into this mess.

  8. After the massive voter fraud of 2008, I learned a lesson. At one point right after, all I could find was FFg. for reloading powder. bullets were GONE, primers were GONE. Four months ago I realized I was in dire need of small pistol primers. I finally stumbled upon a brick at my local swap shop just before TSHTF. I scored a pile of AR food at a local gun show, and then the SHTF. I barely squeaked by this time.

    I don't know anyone who would beg me for ammo. That's a strange concept. So don't ask....

  9. +1 Orbitup.

    For the last 30 years, I've been trying to warn people about the coming shitstorm, only to be met with abuse, derision and scorn. I'm done.

    I've got food, water, guns and ammo...for me and mine. That's it. If you didn't listen and prepare, then go fuck yourselves. The ark has done sailed, and you didn't have a seat reserved.

  10. Wait until food, toilet paper and toothpaste get really expensive, or difficult to obtain.
    A large shitstorm is brewing.

  11. cato said...
    You try to take my weapons and ammo and I will show you fucking nuts.

    Amen, Semper Fi
    I have a 06 FFL, manufacturer of Ammunition. I load a lot of calibers that I do not own guns for. Of course if they try to confiscate guns, 40's will be easy to get, just take them off the dead bodies of the invaders.

    The next show I will not be selling and 223 or 45 ACP. Those have now become my "private stock". I do have one neighbor that I would loan a AR to. If he needed on in a pinch. Other than that, my brother is the only one.

  12. I've got ammo in the calibers I shoot, and some extra in the calibers my son shoots.

    And he's got some of my calibers, even though he can't shoot it.

    A family has to plan together, right?

  13. The sound of a grasshopper Laughing his arse off...

  14. "Everyone takes, nobody makes, work doesn't pay, indulgence doesn't cost, money is free, and money is worthless."

  15. I am still shaking my head that people have emailed you asking for ammo....we learned in 08...

  16. Oh boy, didn't we! It was a hard lesson, too. I admit I got caught flatfooted that time, but it'll never happen again.
    I did loan some 5.56 out to a dear friend and Patriot that had stocked mostly 7.62, but I knew when I did it I would be paid back immediately.

  17. I learned, too, from '08.

    I *still* have ammo that I bought back then in my stores.

  18. boss asked me today if i bought an AR or AK for Christmas. I said no, I can all I want later with my Garand. Boss smiled and chuckled. I like my boss.


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