
Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Beautiful Wolf Pictures

The title was to lure in the PETAphiles......

This is a picture of a pack of 25 wolves taken in the Weippe area in Idaho
Each one of these eats 24 Elk per year. This group alone will consume 600 Elk this year. That doesn’t even factor in the “sport kills.”

The Canadian Gray Wolf runs in packs of up to twenty wolves. For every one animal they kill to eat, these Canadian wolves kill about three more just for the fun of it. The biologists call it "sport-reflex killing" or "lustful killing". The Canadian Gray Wolf is a killing machine.
These are federal wolves, as it was the federal government who introduced them into Idaho over our objections. They told the state of Idaho that the wolves would be considered recovered when they had a total of 100 wolves in Idaho . Now they have between 800 and 2,000 wolves and the situation is out of control.
Idaho 's wolf emergency is a state issue. And in this situation, the state of Idaho has both a duty and the authority to protect its people and their property. House Bill 343 lays out the facts, the argument and the authority to do so. - Idaho Rep Phil Hart.
Thanks to Doug for the email.


  1. Yow...them's some BIG suckers!

  2. You realize you just psychologically scarred every teenage girl on Team Jacob. Those were all potential boyfriends. You beast.

  3. Damn Wirecutter, if we were in the wilderness without a BANG stick those large beasts would ensure we were NOT the top of the food chain. I had seen your earlier pic's of the same but for some reason those did not hit home like these. It's like going swiming in the ocean and bitching about the sharks. Thanks for sharing.

  4. That pack of 25 and me with 20 rounds, I would be wolf shit in about 12 hours. Fuckin' scary.

  5. I did not know they got that damn big!

    Turn from hunter into hunted hits home for me.

  6. It is "open" season all year on those big motherfuckers in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho. That is, of course, if your tag say's "Shoot, Shovel, and Forget" across the top. Ranchers are pissed off enough to waste three rounds on them too! Two to the chest and one to the head, GI style.

  7. But... But... Wolves being a part of Nature only kill what they need and only kill the weakest, sick members of the elk herd.


    I blame George Bush, Rush Limbaugh, and Rich White People for this odd wolf behavior. Its good to see the people in the pictures hugging them, though. That will help repair the psyche of the pack.

    As a side note: People down here occasionally tell me that the coyote they saw in their neighborhood was "as big as a wolf!" I tell them - "Then you've obviously never seen a wolf."

  8. wolves are like commies thats what they do you feel like a milk cow then boom ur dead then they ask why is there no milk

  9. We have a duty to eradicate the back country of these imported killers!

    Re-introduction, my ass! The bastards brought in a completely foreign species. Kinda reminds one of the "immigration" policy that the dumb asses in DC have.


  10. Hey Wirecutter PETA calling in 1...2..33333

  11. Wirecutter, don't know if you watch movies much, but saw one a few weeks back on netflix, it was called "The Grey". Its about a hunter who is in a plane crash and the survivors are stalked by wolves, big fuckers like in those pictures. Good flick, I was surprised. People won't think of wolves as Fido ever again.

  12. Hey WC. Those hunters are potentially exposing themselves to some big health problems.
    Read here:

    VERY scary shit.....and the .gov knew about besides. Bob P

  13. That top ones daddy humped a pony or something.

  14. WTF??? Sticking the rifle in the snow up past the scope? There's a fucking reason you have rifle sling...

  15. Rep. Hart could substitute the words "urban youths" and still have a valid point.

  16. Have any idea of how close these monsters are to the Bob Marshall or Yellowstone?

  17. Yup! "Shoot, shovel, and shut up"!!.... as I understand it, the Idaho Elk herds are down about 60%. Hunting season comes around and ya' can't even "bugle" em' in.....

  18. I just read that article linked by Anon, concerning diseases and wolves. Frightening indeed! All hunters should read this.

  19. @ xiphos- Check out this wolf management study out of the Flathead Indian Reservation MT. Some of the "non-native" biologists that work there are trying to get the tribal chiefs to pull their heads out of their asses because they have a big fucking problem with a lot of big fucking wolves. I know one of the guys that wrote that thing and they tell him to fuck off every day because he is pushing for open season on the beasts. The wolves in that report go out kill shit just to show whose boss and stay fresh on there skills.

  20. Did some homework: Didn't realize that it was the Canadian grey wolf the was 're-introduced' to the Yellowstone years ago. The Feds screw up again.

  21. Paladin, wolves in the southern and eastern regions of the US were/are smaller, like the Mexican grey; probably the only one's they've seen, in the zoo or pictures.

    These suckers are freakin' huge. Have friends who owned a couple of Eastern Timber wolves, and the ones in the pics make them look half-grown.

  22. Reintroduced to Idaho by the folks back in DC that went hermatile when a beaver got loose near their cherry trees.

  23. All of the wolves I have ever seen (in zoos) were the size of large German Shepherds, not Shetland Ponies.
    These motherfuckers are the size of prehistoric Dire Wolves.

  24. Best bumper sticker: "Canadian Wolves - Smoke a pack a day"

  25. I think a couple of these is photoshopped! #2 & #4...if that wolf was shot, where the fuck is the blood??? Me thinks bogus!

  26. Danne - I would imagine that she moved them for photos after the wound froze for a better picture. The last one looks like it was taken near her vehicle judging by the tire tracks.

  27. Wirecutter:
    Yea maybe but I'm still skeptical. I've shot alot of game in sub-sero climates and no matter what, when you handle an animal like she's doing in the pics, you get blood on you...even when it's froze.

  28. Those wolves were shot several years ago before the elk herds were decimated by the rapacious bastards. As a rule wolves generally run about as big as you described, now and then an exceptionally big one is killed.

    Fortunately, well depending on how one looks at the situation, I live on a rez in northern Idaho where the tribe has quietly killed any wolves encountered.

    By the way. Elk. It's what for supper. Hmm.



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