
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Please send in the next group of job applicants


  1. Unless they are the next lot into the coluseum-or perhaps the new starters in the freak show.

    Do we still have freak shows?

    Ah-yes- reality tv...

  2. These people are mentally retarded, freaks show on legs each one of them. Losers.

  3. Insecure little assholes gotta be "different". Got news for you tramp-stamped, studded turds. There's thousands exactly like you roaming the streets.

    I guess their parents didn't show 'em enough love when they were growing up.

  4. Obama supporters one and all no doubt.

  5. I trust that those freaks in the pictures are terminally ill with some sort of incurable disease … because once the novelty wears off and they begin to grow up a bit … even against their own wishes …. life has a way of changing your mind as you age …. they will certainly have no life worth living with what they have done to themselves.

    Didn't we used lock crazy people up so they wouldn't have a negative effect on society? We need to get back to that sort of thinking.

  6. Obamunists. They are making sure they can never get a job so they can stay on the chuck wagon until hell freezes over.

  7. And they wonder why no one will give them a job... Really?

  8. #s 3&4.....Schultz would hit it!

  9. That first child has dead eyes. God forgive me, but I see that kid as having been forced to get those to pleasure her daddy or the string of dicks her momma drags home. God, sometimes I wish I was naive.

  10. bought like the .50cal...338lapua,and the 500 nitro erruger #1 i won,,it what you like,,not need in this world that set you apart!!

  11. One question. At what point in one of these fucking mutants lives, and there are plenty more where these pieces of shit come from, do you decide that I never want to have gainful employment in my lifetime. And God forbid should these motherfuckers breed.


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