
Monday, March 25, 2013

A whole squirtgun full of jizz???

Twenty-one-year old Eric Michael Miller of Bellingham, WA has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for burglarizing a home and shooting one of its habitant with a semen-filled squirt gun.
Natch, this sperm shooting was all for drug money. There are always drugs involved. According to court records, Miller and two unidentified men broke into the home looking  for a man who owed him money, but found the man’s roommate instead, asleep on the couch. The unlucky bastard.
 Miller and his sidekicks held the man at knifepoint, beat him with a real gun, at which point Miller whipped out his semen gun and squirted the man in the face, saying, “Now you’re like the rest of my bleep, covered in semen.”

Thanks for the link, Skidmark. I think.

1 comment:

  1. sir:

    just how does one get spunk into a squirt gun; how does one fill it; and, what is the "storage life" of spunk in a squirt gun before it gets a bit "rancid."

    just wondering.

    john jay


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