
Friday, March 15, 2013

How cool is this?

A medieval headstone and skeleton have been found underneath a parking lot in Scotland, and researchers believe they might belong to a knight.
Archaeologists who were on hand during the construction of a new building in Edinburgh uncovered a carved sandstone slab, decorated with markers of nobility — a Calvary cross and a sword. Nearby, the team found an adult skeleton, which is thought to have once occupied the grave. Scientists plan to analyze the bones and teeth to learn more about this possible knight or nobleman.
"We hope to find out more about the person buried in the tomb once we remove the headstone and get to the remains underneath, but our archaeologists have already dated the gravestone to the thirteenth century," Richard Lewis, a member of the City of Edinburgh Council, said in a statement.
"This find has the potential to be one of the most significant and exciting archaeological discoveries in the city for many years, providing us with yet more clues as to what life was like in medieval Edinburgh."
MORE and photo


  1. Of course there is no way of knowing, but it is estimated that over 107 billion people have lived on this planet.

    If that number is to be believed, it's a wonder we're not tripping over the bones of our great-great-great-great whatevers.

  2. I was in Edinburgh 40 years ago, probably walked right over Sir WhatTheFuck and didn't even know. Did get a nice sword-cane though, so it wasn't a total loss.

    Oh, BTW, new address is

  3. I wonder who identified that as a Calvary Cross? I've studied the subject a little bit and the elaborate cross on the stone resembles no Calvary Cross I've seen. I'd describe it as a cross fleury design. I'm currently trying to find if it's connected to a particular order of chivalry. Not having any luck so far.

  4. Looking at that cross further I find this page on Norman coins; the Type III shows a "quadrilateral fleury penny" from the time of William the Conqueror.

    So I'm guessing this grave dates from the Norman period; there were in fact Norman nobles in Scotland. King Robert the Bruce's family was originally Norman, called "de Bruys." This grave probably contains the remains of a Norman knight.

  5. Very cool. My little guy loves this stuff and the article. Thanks!


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