
Saturday, March 02, 2013

I think I'll pass, thanks.


  1. I think I'll pass, too. And you know something else that I'll pass on? Just out of curiosity I looked what .22LR was going for on There was an auction for 2000rds of Remington Thunderbolt that had 46 bidders. It's up to $504.99 + $25 shipping. That's $132.50/brick of about the cheapest .22s you can buy. $13.25 for a box of 50-.22s Fucking morons..........Maybe I should start selling some of mine and retire a year or two early.

  2. Fucking dope smokers. They come up with the weirdest shit to eat.

    Speaking of price gouging, a 100 round box of .22lr in Carson City, NV goes for $70 at an unnamed "biggest" pawn shop in town. Damn I'm glad I know how to prep for shit.

  3. Ammo's one thing that I don't have to worry about. Guys at work have been coming to me and asking if I have any extra to sell. They know that I was stocking up everytime I got a good deal.Some I just politely tell no and some I tell to fuck off. They should have thought ahead when the commie, rat bastard got into office the first time. A couple even voted for him. I also bought all kinds of bullets, primers and powder when they were on sale. I learned from the Carter years how screwed up things can get and expected much worse to come..............

  4. What, no bacon?

  5. you know jason. nothing wrong with smoking dope.

  6. People should be able to do what ever the fuck they want. Smoke away... I just outgrew the stuff I guess.

    Just sayin'


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