
Monday, March 18, 2013


I had a dog named Motherfucker once. Well, it wasn't my dog, it came with the property so I never knew what it's real name was but when I said "C'mere, motherfucker" it would come. Never really saw the sense in naming the motherfucker if I didn't need to, you know?
He was a pretty good dog, I never did pin down his parentage but he was medium sized, maybe 60-70 pounds, shorthaired, only had one ear left and probably fawn colored if I could've ever caught him long enough for a bath. Didn't have a tail either, not even a stub.
I only saw him maybe once a week and he got along great with the yard dogs but he was a semi feral dog, slept in the fields and pretty much fed himself. About the only time he'd come to get a meal was during hard rains in the winter and the hunting sucked. The rest of the time Motherfucker was just out and about. But during the summer? Maybe once a week. I'd hear the yard dogs get excited and Motherfucker would come trotting in and start playing with them, or maybe I'd look out in the yard and he'd be napping with the others under the cottonwoods.
I don't know how old he was when I got there but he was a full grown dog and when I left 7 or 8 years later he looked exactly the same.
Yeah, I left him there when I moved into town. Motherfucker wasn't around moving day and I didn't think I could keep the motherfucker fenced in anyways.
I did see him a year or so later when I was driving down the road a couple miles past the old property. I seen him trotting along a canal bank so when I got to the spot where the road went over the canal I pulled over and waited on the tailgate for a couple minutes and pretty soon, here he comes trotting down the canal bank. " Hey motherfucker, what's up?" I said as he got within 10 feet, glad to see he was still alive and doing well.
Motherfucker trotted right on past me like I wasn't even there. Did not even acknowledge my presence.

1 comment:

  1. If I had any balls, I'd be like Motherfucker


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