
Friday, April 26, 2013

Check this shit out!!! Over and over and over again.......

Guy's out walking his two German Shepherds and a bunch of muslims start chucking rocks and bottles at him. Watch what happens......

Courtesy of Bare Naked Islam


  1. Now, that was funny as hell! BTW, was it the big bad raghead that was screaming like a little girl while he was getting his nuts chewed off by the german shepherds?

  2. Awesome. When a dog has had enough, well then watch out. I hope the scum dies.
    Thanks for making my weekend.

  3. Each of those two dogs knows more about how to handle an attack by Muslims than what passes for leadership in Washington DC

  4. To add insult to injury, dogs are considered "unclean" in Islam. :) Fundies won't touch them out allow them in the house. Not as big a prohibition as swine, but close.

  5. Dogs don't bluff- don't talk shit-don't threaten- they just attack all out, no holding back.
    Those 2 dogs made their point without saying a single word.
    I notice the big brave badass raghead squealed like a pig.
    Paul in Texaslicceve instance

  6. That was great. Hope the guy took those dogs to the vet. God knows what horrible sheep-fucker-borne diseases they picked up from gnawing that piece of shit!

  7. Poor dog will never get that taste out of his mouth!

  8. Poor dog, he will never get the taste of shit out of his mouth.

  9. I sure hope the dogs are ok. I sure would like to send them a high dollar steak or two. That's what I call justice. Ola snackbar.

  10. Hilarious! Never fuck with a man walking his dogs. Of course, those goat-fuckers don't know anything about that, as to them dogs are filthy creatures.

  11. Too bad he didn't have 5 German Shepherds and a pistol...I'd have used every bit of it! The musloid got off easy, that was a subdued attack. The guy needs to band with other dog owners in the neighborhood and walk dogs in one giant pack...see how brave they are then. FUCK MUSLUMS!!!!

  12. freaking awesome!! I hope the dogs got their shots afterward, wouldn't want them to get sick.

  13. Fucker throws like a girl too, he deserved to be attacked just for that.

    (And, one of my words to type to post is 'tact'... seriously? Well fuck me, I am screwed)

  14. Only thing I saw was He pulled them off and kicked at one of the dogs for doing his job.....Bad owner

    PS, Love my GSD's

  15. So thats why dog lick their balls- to get the taste of rag-head out!

  16. All those f@#cks do is throw shit....for the last 2000 years...throw shit...WTF? Their streets are always littered with shit to throw. Nothing but rubble. Bin ladens 4th cousin got what he deserved!!

  17. Nice. Made me laugh to hear him squeal like a little bitch that he is.

  18. Love the dogs... That's what we need to do to all of the bastards...

  19. That made my day. Fucking camel jockey had every bit of that coming.

  20. redneck@groveratredneck.comApril 27, 2013 at 9:08 AM

    I just love stories with happy endings!

  21. OMGoodness-thank you for that-couldn't think of a better way to start the week-I have a couple GSD and my male would also have had that moslem squealing like a girl. He's fucking tweaky and doesn't take any shit.

  22. Notice too how all of his brave shit talking buds rushed in to help.

    This is Hall of Fame quality

  23. Those dogs are a great metaphor for what America used to be.

  24. That was great I hate islam and its shit rules on animals. Stupid owner should have let the dogs rip him apart.

  25. Its not because they speak arab that they are muslim! There is even arab who are christian...

    How you guys can know by a video whats the religion of people in it?

  26. Because when was the last time you saw Arab Christians rioting in the street, dumbass? They're the minority, remember? They are the ones that are persecuted.

  27. this day they are all christian, arab jew, arab muslim..trying to free themself from dictator trying to taste freedom but without support the radical islamist gonna take control. I understant ur hatred agains muslim but those guys fighting to free themself from islamist and dictator have lot in common with american dumbass!?

  28. Oh yeah, you bet. Muslims and Christians united together in a common cause in an arab country.
    Sorry, I ain't buying that shit.

    Hey, you know what? You've shown me nothing but arrogance since you've been coming here.
    Fuck you. You don't like what you see here, go away.


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