
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

As if dying wasn't bad enough...

Cases of a mysterious skin condition that causes purple, blue or red discoloration in toes and occasionally fingers are popping up around the country, according to Northwestern doctors, leading some dermatologists to wonder if it may be connected to coronavirus.

Dr. Amy Paller, a dermatologist for Northwestern Medicine, said she has seen images of roughly 30 cases of the condition, dubbed by dermatologists as "COVID toes."


  1. It's crazy they're even questioning relevance to the COVID if this is a new phenomenon. There's already been proof that this disease (Corona) causes vascular anomalies like micro-clots and other blood dyscrasias. There's no reason to not expect this to happen. Study of the issue might help them better determine why some are so sickened by the virus and others don't even know they have it.

  2. Correlation does not equal causation. Whole the possibility is worth investigating you don't presume that one is the result of the other till you can demonstrate the COMPLETE physiologic mechanism responsible. There may be a different factor causing this that has come to play.

  3. Lordy...lordy....lordy. People are friggin' retarded. Somehow everything is related to the Corona Virus now.


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