
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

California secures motel rooms to house thousands of homeless people amid COVID-19 outbreak

California is on its way to acquiring nearly 16,000 hotel rooms to house the homeless during the pandemic, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Saturday as he reminded people to stay indoors as outbreaks continue to crop up throughout the state.

Standing in front of a Motel 6 near San Jose, Newsom said more than 4,200 people have been moved out of shelters and off the streets into motel rooms. He took the opportunity to scold leaders of unnamed cities for blocking efforts to house the homeless, asking them to “please consider the morality” of their decisions.


I wonder how California is going to handle getting them out once Newsom decides the beervirus isn't a threat any longer?
When I left California, the law said that if a person spent ONE night someplace they were considered a resident and could only be removed against their will by eviction proceedings.
Not only that, but evictions there are a 60 day process, not 30 days.


  1. Just think about cleaning the shit out once they do get them out.

    1. I had the misfortune to get a hotel room across the hall from some "long term residents" at a hotel near St. Louis. You could smell the room as soon as you got off the elevator. Next morning, I had bugs in my room.

      I insisted on moving to another room, which was fine, but I walked past the room the next morning when they were waiting for the exterminator and starting to clean it out. Most disgusting mess I've ever seen. Two weeks of junkfood wrappers on every surface, wastebasket buried under trash, and crap everywhere. Desk guy later told me they had to replace all the furniture in the room, including the mattress.

      This is what they're going to find after they move these people back out on the street in California.

    2. Cleaning I doubt the studs will even be left after they get done with it... Might as well just burn it to the ground and start over which the homeless probably will do for you...

  2. Takes care of their homeless 'problem' don't it?
    Once and done, never to be undone.
    Just wait until the state takes possession of the hotels and forces the owners out.

  3. Replies
    1. Yup. Ask the Houstonians how that worked out for them.

  4. And Newdumb says.....gee,never thought of that....

  5. Plus, what liberal politician is going to want to be the one to kick them out?

    Doesn't seem like there's an exit strategy for this.

  6. Another Commie-led frontal assault on America. Or is California still part of the union?

  7. We are but a few assaults on the Constitution away from the whole ship bag going under...

  8. The owners of the motels are gonna have to burn down the motels after finally getting rid of the vermin. I wonder if the very expensive, fancy hotels are gonna have to house the un-affluent? I bet not as the elites don't and won't rub elbows in the elevators.

  9. The homeless took over Motel 6 here. I don't care, they're located by the freeway and rails, easy in and easy out. Heard that Motel 6 is bed bug infested and drugs is rampant. Lots of arrests have been made in the past at Motel 6 - cooking meth.

    1. We've had 3 motels condemned and demolished in the last 10 years in this little college town, all due to meth labs and contamination. I'd assume the rest of them on the strip have their days numbered. ---tallow pot

  10. "Acquired", eh?
    Your brains or your signature will be on this contract, Apu.
    Although I doubt the deal was Godfather extreme (?) this is very disturbing.
    And like Don says, there's no exit strategy.
    Me to wife "are they this stupid, or really devious?"
    Wife "I worked in government for 30 years, they ARE this stupid".
    I can't tell which one is more dangerous.

    1. " Never underestimate the power of human stupidity." - Robert Anson Heinlein.

  11. The actual final number of hotel rooms is 45,000. 16,000 is just the first round. Since the information of which hotels is withheld from the public, the way to find out is to call a hotel to book a room for the dates. If the hotel responds with 'We're sold out' then you know that hotel is participating.

    The other Rick

  12. No big deal, it's only taxpayer dollars and nobody cares about the taxpayer. regards, Alemaster

  13. “Please consider the morality of those decisions, consider the moment we’re in and the ethical question you’re being called and asked upon, consider your station in life and in history. All of us will be judged,” Newsom said.

    Well, la-de-fucking-da!


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