
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Damn, they must have some bad-ass drugs in Utah

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (KTVX) — A 58-year-old man is dead. The suspect, covered in blood, told police he had killed “the terminator,” records state.

Police were first made aware of the suspect, 54-year-old William Bradley, Friday afternoon on reports of a golf cart stolen from maintenance workers at the Jefferson School Apartment complex located at 1099 South West Temple.


  1. Pretty handy. The apartments are next door to the Utah Department of Corrections and a couple of blocks from a detox center. Better, it's a long up hill golf cart ride from my daughter's neighborhood.

  2. He must have got some of the same shit my brother-in-law fried himself on a couple weeks ago. He just got out of jail this week. He had some pretty insane stories going on and we couldn't get him any mental health help until he tried to choke his wife - then they locked him up for DV. They put him in solitary because of all the crazy shit he was going on about.

    It's like someone switched off the lights in his head - ain't nobody home, anymore.

    Now, a judge turned him loose and nobody knows where he is. He should have sent him to the state looney bin.


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