
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Hey, it always worked for me

Quarantining is hard as it is, but chances are it’s a bit tougher if you live alone.

For single people, who may have spent time searching for love pre-pandemic by going on dates, swiping on dating apps, or engaging in the occasional hook up, the stay-at-home order likely has ended their love and sex lives as they know it.

But that doesn’t mean sexual pleasure is over — it just looks different, like engaging in more masturbation.


  1. "If masturbation was a crime I'd be on death row" - Gilbert Gottfried

  2. After seeing that pink haired land whale, I need eye bleach.

  3. Not to be cruel, but that woman in the photo is pretty much what I expected a "feminist sex-shop owner" would look like.

    Thought for the day: So that firm-gripped handshake isn't necessarily because the guy's honest and moral and a real-life Steve Rogers. He's just been ... busy.


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