
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

If You’re Going to Dance on Someone’s Constitutional Rights, You’d Better Have a Good Reason

Curves are flattening worldwide thanks to stringent lockdown efforts.” That bulletin from one of my favorite magazines made me sit up. “Really?” I thought, “Is it because of the stringent lockdown that the ‘curves’ are flattening?”

For that is what “thanks to” means here, right? Because, “propter” in Latin.

No one needs to ask what sort of curves we are talking about here. There is only one subject that is being discussed now towards the end of April 2020: coronavirus, the insidious cold bug brought to the world by the Chinese Communist Party.

After several weeks of rising numbers of cases and deaths, the bell curves have crested and are beginning to decline almost everywhere. Hurrah! Let’s pat the American people on their collective back. It takes a lot of hard work to destroy the entire economy of a complex first-world nation like the United States in just a few weeks.


  1. The media, politicians and health industry shuttered the country and destroyed liberty on very limited and non-vetted information. Now they demand extensive "evidence" and continually shift the goal posts before they'll allow us to get back to our lives. They've dropped "flatten the curve" and now say we shouldn't lift the restrictions until there are no new cases.

  2. Are the curves "flattening," though?

    A few days ago the President said that in the US we have tested seventeen out of every hundred thousand people. Which means that of every hundred thousand, we have no idea about nine hundred ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and eighty-three. It seems to me that right now we are still in the place where we don't even know how much we don't know. My late mother had a saying: "You're trying to make an awful lot of soup with just one onion, aren't you?"

    I will suggest, though, that if the virus were anywhere near as virulent and lethal as early reports suggested, it would have killed half of Asia and a quarter of North America by now and we'd be pushing carts through the streets yelling "bring out your dead." It may even be comparable to the flu. I think that it is instructive to compare death rates in Sweden, which, having a very different set of laws and legal traditions, cannot readily declare martial law and a nationwide 24/7 curfew, which is what these "lockdown orders" really are. Over there it's just another flu season. Their hospitals are not overwhelmed. They are not piling corpses on the streetcorners.

    The Usual Suspects in the US seem to have seen in this flu outbreak--that's what it is, no more, no less--chances to do the two things they love the most: getting the hicks out in Flyover Country accustomed to jumping when they hear the sound of the whip cracking, and deliberate economic sabotage. They never let a crisis go to waste. They never miss an opportunity to ratchet up the authoritarian power of the state, establish new precedents for government intervention and authoritarian decrees, damage the economy, or do economic harm to people who work for a living, all, of course, always, "for the children," "for the most vulnerable," "to protect your freedom."

    You can vote your way into Clown World but you can't vote your way back out. HONK HONK

  3. I believe those doctors on televisionprogramming constantly blathering about 'virus this' and 'virus that' and 'these measures are saving lives' are guilty of blatant malpractice.
    Fauci (sp?)
    Brix (sp?)
    Et cetera.
    Prescribing treatment without seeing the patient equals malpractice.
    Who benefits?
    Follow the money.

  4. Youtube has removed the hour-long video of those two doctors. Anyone have other links to it?

  5. Found it on 23 in Bakersfield:


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