
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Looks to be an easy field strip


  1. Could be useful in Atlanta trafgic, after all the quurantiners come out of their karen holes.

  2. does a fire hose have an optic to sight it in ? No. So why the Picatinny rail?

  3. Our crewchiefs and door gunners kept ours running like clocks. About the only way those of us "up front" could jam them was to interrupt a 3 second firing cycle by releasing the trigger before the gun(s) cycled through or the aircraft commander interrupted the gun with overriding rocket fire (which usually happened when the co-pilot didn't listen to the A/C's instructions). Back to the guns, pretty simple in concept but the electric feeders and crossover drives were the sticking point. Our 129th AHC crews were simply the best at crewing, gunning (M-60s), and maintaining the aircrafts and firing systems. Thanks for allowing me this forum to compliment our crews. regards, Alemaster

  4. Can I have one?
    With at least a trailer full of ammo.


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